A dataset of Zostera marina and Zostera noltei structure and functioning in f...
The data concerns the structure and morphometry of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Zostera noltei, the diversity of the associated epifauna and the benthic fluxes of oxygen,... -
CTD and LADCP data from the MomarSat 2022 cruise
Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data and Lowered-Acoustic-Doppler-Current-Profiler (LADCP) data from the 22 casts of the MomarSat 2022 Cruise. The CTD data from a Seabird... -
Historical database: French Fishery National Statistics from 1901 to 1979: En...
The MECANOR² FEAMP project (2020-2023) focused on the eastern English Channel whelk and crustacean trap fisheries. An historical approach has been developped to collect... -
Gombessa 6 "Cap Corse" cruise: CTD profiles in Corsica, NW Mediterranean sea,...
This dataset contains the CTD data collected during the GOMBESSA 6 cruise, from 1 to 12 July 2021, in Corsica, western Mediterranean, jointly by the Andromède océanologie... -
GO-SHIP A25 - OVIDE 2018 Cruise data
This dataset contains the OVIDE 2018 qualified measurements of - the hydrographic CTD-02 (genuine netCDF and zipped text files in WHP format) - bottle data (WHP format... -
ORMEF: Occurrence Records of Mediterranean Exotic Fishes database
The ORMEF database is a comprehensive, and robust compilation of exotic fish observations recorded in the entire Mediterranean Region from 1896 to 2020. ORMEF is composed by... -
Daily Southern Ocean Sea Level Anomaly And Geostrophic Currents from multimis...
This product contains Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) and geostrophic currents anomalies in the subpolar Southern Ocean, including its sea-ice covered parts, from 2013 to 2019. It has... -
Microbathymetry from AUV and ROV Surveys (MOMARETO'06, MOMAR'08-Leg1 and BATH...
Multibeam near-bottom bathymetry from the Lucky Strike ridge segment along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The bathymetry data were acquired during AUV Asterx and ROV Victor6000... -
Current distribution of the residual flat oysters beds (Ostrea edulis) along ...
The flat oyster Ostrea edulis is a European native species that once covered vast areas in the North Sea, on the Atlantic coast and in other European coastal waters including... -
EOT20 - A global Empirical Ocean Tide model from multi-mission satellite alti...
EOT20 is the latest in a series of global ocean tide models developed at DGFI-TUM. EOT20 is created using residual tidal analysis of multi-mission altimetry data from the period... -
New network of virtual altimetry stations for measuring sea level along the w...
Until recently, classical radar altimetry could not provide reliable sea level data within 10 km to the coast. However dedicated reprocessing of radar waveform together with... -
Global tidal mixing maps
This dataset comprises two netcdf files. The first file contains the six global two-dimensional maps necessary to implement the tidal mixing parameterization presented in de... -
A broad-scale long-term dataset of Sabellaria alveolata distribution and abun...
Numerous reef-forming species have declined dramatically in the last century, many of which have been insufficiently documented due to anecdotal or hard-to-access information.... -
LOCEAN, LOPS, AARI and ACRI-ST have derived improved SMOS SSS maps over the Arctic Ocean based on new SST corrections and new sea ice filtering applied to SSS retrieved from... -
Tissue damage and tissue localisation of the bacteria Vibrio aestuarianus dur...
Histopathological damage and localisation of Vibrio aestuarianus in diverse oyster tissues were studied on experimentally infected animals by histology and immunohistochemistry... -
DBCP GDAC for drifting buoys
The DBCP – Data Buoy Cooperation Panel - is an international program coordinating the use of autonomous data buoys to observe atmospheric and oceanographic conditions, over... -
Ocean gliders : Data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (OceanGlid...
The OceanGliders initiative (formerly EGO) is a gathering of several teams of oceanographers, interested in developing the use of gliders for ocean observations. OceanGliders... -
Hydrological and current data for the Southern Weddell Sea, collected as part...
Deep water formed around the Antarctic continent drives the world ocean circulation. More than50% of this deep water is formed within only about 10% of the Antarctic circumpolar... -
Glider MOOSE sections
The glider operations in the MOOSE network started to be deployed regularly in 2010 in the North Western Mediterranean Sea, thanks to the setup of national glider facilities at... -
Gridded property and transport data of the biennial Greenland-Portugal A25 OV...
This data set contains the gridded hydrographic and transport data for the biennial Go-Ship A25 Greenland–Portugal OVIDE section from 2002 to 2012. The properties and transports...