1.1 Gesellschaftliche, technologische und internationale, nationalstaatliche ...
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1.3 Förderpolitische Maßgaben
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1.2 Deutschland in der European Open Science Cloud
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Research data to the manuscript "Evaluation of 4H-SiC MOSFET transfer charact...
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Thermal origin of light emission in non-resonant and resonant tunnel junction...
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1 Datenökosystem
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Experimental data underlying the publication "A Point-like Thermal Light Sour...
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Research data to the Manuscript "Light-field driven electronics in the mid-in...
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Measurement data - Thermoelectricity of near-resonant tunnel junctions and th...
Experimental data underlying the publication "Thermoelectricity of near-resonant tunnel junctions and their near-Carnot efficiency" -
Research data to the manuscript "Electrochemical etching strategy for shaping...
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Dataset supplementing the publication "Spaeth K., Goetz-Neunhoeffer F., Hurle...
Collectivity of all measured data mentioned in the article "Spaeth K., Goetz-Neunhoeffer F., Hurle K. - The effect of Cu2+ doping in β-tricalcium phosphate on the hydration...