Familie in het modern stedelijk milieu 1967
Contacts with relatives / visiting parents, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters / financial support of parents and parents-in-law / opinion on relatives, being excessively fond... -
European morale survey 1951
Opinions and information on the armament of Western Europe / perception of military threat of USSR / USA policy in case of an attack on Western Europe / attitude towards war and... -
Verhael van den Oproer binnen Rotterdam in Hollant [1619]
Verhael van den Oproer binnen Rotterdam in Hollant, hoe dat de Arminianen zijn vergaert geweest om te Preken op de Visch-marckt Sondach lest leden den xxi. Iuly. Alwaer een... -
Degrees of Openness: Grey Literature in Institutional Repositories
In spite of the growing success of the open access initiative, a significant part of scientific and technical information remains unavailable on the web or circulates with... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2000
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen -
[S.C. Kriel, J.E. Muller en J.C. Smellentin], Bataviasche Apotheek (1746)
Bataviasche Apotheek Waarin begreepen zyn zodanige enkelde en gecomponeerde geneesmiddelen als 'er in de Hospitaals en Stads Apotheek zullen bewaart worden. BATAVIA, Gedrukt in... -
Belgian National Election Study 2014
Similar to the previous General Election Studies, the 2014 General Election Study Belgium (seventh study) or the Belgian National Election Study (BNES 2014) focuses on general... -
New Immigrant Survey - the Netherlands
The New Immigrant Survey (NIS2NL) is a longitudinal panel study on early integration processes of recent migrants to the Netherlands. NIS2NL is targeted at Bulgarian, Polish,... -
The effectiveness of a web-based Dutch parenting program to prevent overweigh...
Introduction: Although parental support is an important component in programs designed to prevent overweight in children, current programs pay remarkably little attention to the... -
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in rat reduces mu-opioid receptor availability in br...
In this study, we sought to examine the mu opioid receptor levels throughout the brain following RYGB surgery, and whether these changes are the result of caloric restriction or... -
Interviewcollectie Stichting Mondelinge Geschiedenis Indonesië, interview 1671
Dit interview bestaat uit twee gesprekken: 1671.1 en 1671.2. 1671. De geïnterviewde vertelt hoe hij opgroeide. Hij woonde eerst op Midden-Java, later te Solo. De geïnterviewde... -
Intelligentie en Gedrag van HvA studenten (IGH)
Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen gezond en veilig gedrag en intelligentie. Survey uitgevoerd onder studenten van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. -
State of population in the cities and municipalities of the Kingdom of the Ne...
The dataset is based on the population census of the Netherlands of 1840.Content: images of the publication, searchable pdf file of the text sections, excel files with data... -
The evolution of the Dutch dairy industry and the rise of cooperatives. Suppo...
The dataset contains the entry and exit years of dairy factories in The Netherlands, including a variable whether it is cooperative or private, location, and type of soil.... -
Stimulating healthy choice in online canteen
In an experiment with low SES workers (n=956) product positioning (healthy products top versus bottom) and lunch order timing (expected to be delivered within 30 minutes versus... -
Verenigingsperspectieven Nederlandse vereniging van marktonderzoekers 1973
Opinion on Dutch society for market researchers ( NVM ) / attendance and evaluation of activities of NVM / reading and evaluation of its journal / attitude to journal /... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 847
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn uitzending naar Libanon. Hij vertelt over de voorbereiding. Discipline was belangrijk. De geïnterviewde werd wapenhersteller. Hij vertelt over... -
Organizational climate study 1971
Perception of real versus ideal situation / difficulty to change and the importance of many aspects of the organizational structure and functioning / delegation of... -
Positie van vrouwen op de regionale arbeidsmarkt in Noord-Holland 1986
Employment situation of women on a regional level in the province of North-Holland from an economic point of view. Is r following day-time education, part-time education or... -
Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements
This Catalogue of Common Requirements was developed by the DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group on Repository Audit and Certification, a Working Group (WG) of the Research Data...