EtudELEC Data, aggregated electricity consumption data from 400+ residential ...
This is grouped and aggregated electricity consumption data from the EtudELEC study conducted by the Observatoire du Transition Energétique Grenoble (OTE-UGA). If you find... -
Long term monitoring of near surface soil temperature in the french Alps part...
Monitoring of near-surface soil temperature in seasonaly snow-covered, mountain ecosystems located in the French Alps. Data are part the ORCHAMP project. Data include a GPS... -
Données issues de l'étude des comportements de consommation d’électricité (EX...
Le projet EXPESIGNO a pour principal objectif l’étude des comportements de consommation d’électricité de foyers lorsqu’ils font face à des signaux d’effacement et/ou de report.... -
Emulating local operating conditions in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
The 37 conditions investigated in this work are therefore emulated using the differential cell. The methodology allows to emulate a wider range of local values of relative... -
Near-field acoustic imaging with a caged bubble (experimental data and Python...
Data set of the paper: "Near-field acoustic imaging with a caged bubble". This includes measurements of the resonance frequency of the bubble above water-steel and water-air... -
Etude xKy: Données issues de compteurs linky avec échantillonnage inférieur à...
Jeu de données issue de l'étude xKy. Le projet xky a deux objectifs principaux. Le premier est de fournir des passerelles se branchant sur les compteurs Linky afin de permettre... -
Projet OneForAll: Données d'une maison connectée
Le projet OneForAll a été initié en 2024 afin de fournir les données issues de maisons connectées via un don par les participants. Le dépôt actuel est l'historique des données... -
Data to estimate urban seismic damages and debris from building-level simulat...
This dataset contains informations about buildings in Beirut in shapefile format used for estimation of seismic damage and debris at the urban scale. The buildings are in... -
Annual glacier surface flow velocity product from Sentinel-2 data for some mo...
Glacier ice flow velocity is an important variable to document the past and current status of the glacier worldwide. Our aim with this dataset is to provide innovative products... -
ExpeSmartHouse - Données d'une maison connectée
Le projet Expe-smarthouse a été initié en 2019 afin de fournir les données d’un foyer de 120 m² où vit une famille de 5 personnes. Ce projet donne accès à environ 370 points de... -
Data for fast-charging of lithium iron phosphate battery with ohmic-drop comp...
In this study, fast-charging of lithium iron phosphate batteries is investigated with ohmic-drop compensation method. The Li-ion batteries used are C-LiFePO4 cylinder cells... -
Data for Pattern Matching and Parameter Identification for Parametric Timed R...
The reproducibility package of the HSCC 2023 version is in "hscc_ptre-main.zip". The pdf version of the HSCC 2023 paper can also be found in the same zip file. The new examples... -
Speckle-correlation imaging through a kaleidoscopic multimode fiber (experime...
Data set of the paper : "Speckle-correlation imaging through a kaleidoscopic multimode fiber". This includes the intensity correlation function of the excitation field for the... -
Lapex: A new multimodal dataset for context recognition and practice assessme...
The LapEx dataset contains 30 videos of sleeve gastrectomy surgeries performed by two surgeons. The videos were captured at 25 fps. Three annotation tasks were performed on the... -
Cross-referenced data on electoral disputes and French legislative election r...
This dataset contains data from the electoral disputes of the legislative and senatorial elections, which have been linked with data from the legislative elections (such as vote... -
Données pour l'apprentissage d'un réseau de neurone pour la prédiction de l'é...
Jeu de donnée pour l'apprentissage d'un réseau de neurones pour la prédiction de la largeur à partir d'une image de l'émission d'un bain de fusion obtenu avec une caméra proche... -
Données sur la Fabrication en WAAM Aluminium lors d'un Asservissement Thermique
Le jeu de donnée contient les donnée deux deux cylindres réalisés en WAAM Aluminium. Ces données sont utilisées dans les travaux de thèse : Asservissement thermique du procédé... -
Replication Data for: Stress Testing the DMARC Reporting System: Compliance w...
The collected data is used for generating the table presented in the research article: "Stress Testing the DMARC Reporting System: Compliance with Standards and Ways of... -
The EVE Pilot: Usage Data from an Electric Car in France
This dataset contains the usage data of a single electric car collected in as part of the EVE study (Enquête des Vehicles Electrique) run by the Observatoire du Transition... -
H358 Office data
Raw data coming from 20 sensors deployed inside an office, located in Grenoble, with 3 desks during 1 year and a half.