Soelendet - Norway
Rich fen and grassland communites formerly used for haymaking in the transition between the middle boreal and northern boreal vegetation zone, and in the transition between... -
Taagdalen - Norway
Rich fen and grassland communites formerly used for haymaking in the transition between the middle boreal and northern boreal vegetation zone, and in the markedly oceanic and... -
Kollerhube - Lehrforst - Austria
This dataset has no description
Lago Maggiore - Italy
Lake Maggiore was studied since the beginning of last century although not systematically. Regular research started by the foundation in 1938 of the Italian Institute of... -
LTER Hohe Tauern National Park (NPHT) - Austria
Hohe Tauern NP was established more than 40 years ago as one of the biggest protected areas in Central Europe to protect at long-term wide areas of the Austrian main-ridge of... -
LTSER Zone Atelier Santé et Environnement en Camargue - France
The LTSER Zone Atelier Santé et Environnement en Camargue focuses on the theme of the socio-ecology of health, in coherence with human activities, conservation and the... -
Plant Percent Cover in Doñana Shrubland (2008-2023). SOBIO_017: Vegetation Co...
Total Percent Cover of Vascular plants for every 21 plots (15x15m) located in the shrubland communities of Doñana from 2008 to 2020. Plant cover is provided per hectare for... -
Doñana Long-Term Socio-ecological Research Platform - Spain
Protected in 1968, Doñana National Park (537 km2) is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, a Ramsar Site and a Natural World Heritage Site. It contains the largest wetland in Western... -
Lake Päijänne LTER - Finland
Lake Päijänne LTER site constitutes one of the biggest lakes in Finland (and smaller lakes in catchment area) with almost 300 000 habitants in surrounding areas. The lake has... -
LTSER Zone Atelier environnementale rurale Argonne - France
The LTSER Zone Atelier environnementale rurale Argonne (ZARG) belongs to LTER-France network and is located in north-eastern France. The ZARG project was created in 2021, but... -
Kalahari Gemsbok National Park - South Africa
Kalahari Gemsbok National Park is situated in the Savanna Biome (Kalahari Duneveld Bioregion) and forms part of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park -
Tsitsikamma National Park Marine Protected Area - South Africa
Tsitsikamma National Park (TNP) Marine Protected Area (MPA) was established in 1964 and is a 100% no-take area. The MPA covers an area of 360km2 and is managed and protected by... -
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Meerkat Area - South Africa
SKA is situated in the Nama Karoo Biome approximately 80km North of Carnarvon. The SKA Meerkat site is a radio protected area situated in the Northern Cape province on which a... -
South African Wildlife College, Tree Plots - South Africa
Please refer to the general site description of the Welverdiend-South African Wildlife College site. -
SAEON St Lucia site - South Africa
This site falls partly with the isimagaliso wetland park as well as within forestry areas on its boundary. SAEON is beuiling onf a >40 year ground water record and has added... -
SAEON Maputaland Coastal Plain site - South Africa
The SAEON Maputaland Coastal Plain site, Umhlabuyalingana Local Municipality, is a Long term hydro-ecological research platform focused on understanding the relative impacts of... -
Roggeveld post-fire plots - South Africa
The Mountain Renosterveld of the Roggeveld is situated in the Fynbos Biome and is transitional in nature with a host of Karooid elements belonging to the Succulent Karoo Biome -
Namaqua National Park, Skilpad Wildflower Reserve - South Africa
Namaqua National Park is situated in the Succulent Karoo Biome. The Skilpad Wildflower Reserve section of the Park is managed for mass flower displays while the remainder of the... -
Goegap Nature Reserve - South Africa
Goegap Nature Reserve is a protected area situated in the Succulent Karoo Biome of the Northern Cape province -
Compassberg - South Africa
Compassberg, the highest peak in the Sneeuberg range, resembles a compass needle towering 2 502 metres high. The mountain harbours a diversity of species, including endemics...