Ansys model files and related data
The uploaded files include the ansys model and relevant data. -
Ansys model files and related data
The uploaded files include the ansys model and relevant data. -
DEPRECATED 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group Catalogue of Common Procedures for Certific...
The RDA Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group (WG) produced a two-part recommendation, one of which includes a Catalogue of Common Procedures for... -
DEPRECATED Data Citation of Evolving Data: Recommendations of the Working Gro...
The WGDC recommendations enable researchers and data centers to identify and cite data used in experiments and studies. Instead of providing static data exports or textual... -
RDA Foundation Governance Document
A document describing the high-level structures of the Research Data Alliance Foundation. This document is separate from the regular governance document, which describes... -
DEPRECATED RDA TAB Election Process Document V 1.7
Document describing the roles, responsibilities, and processes of the RDA Technical Advisory Board (TAB). -
DEPRECATED: 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
DEPRECATED 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
DEPRECATED 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
Articles of Association of Research Data Alliance Foundation
A legal document describing the structure of the RDA Foundation under british law. -
DEPRECATED RDA Magazine - March 2016 Edition
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international member-based organisation focused on the development of infrastructure and community activities to reduce the social and... -
DEPRECATED 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
DEPRECATED PID Information Types WG final deliverable
The working group on Persistent Identifier Information Types of the Research Data Alliance concerned itself with the essential types of information associated with... -
RDA Outputs and Intellectual Property Policy
Policy document on the RDA Outputs and the Intellectual Property associated with them. -
DSA –WDS Partnership Working Group Catalogue of Common Requirements
The RDA Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group (WG) implemented its Catalogue of Common Requirements, which were used in developing its Catalogue... -
DEPRECATED 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the... -
DEPRECATED 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management into your practice of librarianship from the...