The project aims to develop a systematic intervention guide to prevent relapse in GHB-use after detoxification. The project consisted of a preparatory phase (I), a development phase (II) and a pilot study phase (III).In the pilot study, 14 patients participated. Participants were recruited from November 2018 up until July 2019. Data was collected for 6 months after inclusion (up until December 2019). Inclusion criteria of participants were: patients diagnosed as having GHB-use disorder according to DSM 5, and both patient and clinician have signed informed consent. The data were collected using (standardized) questionnaires at baseline and follow-up measurement between 3 to 6 months after inclusion.Unfortunately, due to the naturalistic design and high drop-out the datafiles contains a lot of missing data. For our study this was one of the outcome measures as the main aim of this pilot study was to study the implementation possibility of such a design in this setting en participant group.A full description of the methology and analysis, as well as the non-standardized questionnaires, are presented in Dutch. A short summary is available in English. The datasets contains the codebook and all raw data used for a pilot study. Only descriptives are used for a Dutch report.