10 year long perfect model predictions with 10 members starting every fith year. Each folder contain 5 members. Note: the ten members belonging to one ten year period are separated into two folders.
PHYpert: perfect model experiment with small initial perturbance in SST
BGCpert: perfect model experiment with initial perturbance in the BGC state
BGCPHYpert: perfect model experiment with initial perturbance in SST and BGC state
More information is found in the reference paper:
Fransner F, Counillon F, Bethke I, Tjiputra J, Samuelsen A, Nummelin A and Olsen A (2020) Ocean Biogeochemical Predictions—Initialization and Limits of Predictability. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:386. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00386