Catalyst design for highly selective electrochemical reduction of CO and CO2 to liquid products


We have devised two groups of Cu-based electrocatalysts through two approaches: surface modification with Ag single-atoms and co-catalysis between Cu and Nitrogen Doped Carbon (NDC). These catalysts electrochemically convert CO and CO2 to C1-C3 liquid products (e.g., acetate, ethanol, and propanol) at high selectivity. Electrochemical conversion of CO and CO2 to valuable chemicals is of large interest because it provides ways to recycle CO2. Using operando XAFS, combined with computational studies, we can investigate the influence of surface Ag and NDC additives and explain changes in selectivity trends. We aim to employ this state-of-the-art characterization technique to correlate the atomic bonding distance around the catalyst atomic center and coordination environment to the selectivity of our electrocatalysts towards liquid products. A better understanding of these electrochemical processes during the reaction is needed to foster further development.

Metadata Access
Creator Ivan GRIGIONI ORCID logo; Joshua WICKS ORCID logo; Annalisa POLO ORCID logo; Jehad Hazim Ismail ABED ORCID logo; Viktoriia SAVELEVA ORCID logo
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2025
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields