This table contains the results from an analysis of the largest high-redshift (z > 3) X-ray-selected active galactic nucleus (AGN) sample to date, combining the Chandra Cosmological Evolution Survey and Chandra Multi-wavelength Project surveys and doubling the previous samples. The sample comprises 209 X-ray-detected AGNs, over a wide range of rest-frame 2-10 keV luminosities log L<sub>X</sub> = 43.3 - 46.0 erg/s. X-ray hardness ratios show that ~39 per cent of the sources are highly obscured, N<sub>H</sub> > 10<sup>22</sup> cm<sup>-2</sup>, in agreement with the ~37 per cent of type-2 AGNs found in this sample based on their optical classification. For ~26 per cent of objects, there are mismatched optical and X-ray classifications. Utilizing the 1/V<sub>max</sub> method, the authors confirm that the comoving space density of all luminosity ranges of AGNs decreases with redshift above z > 3 and up to z ~ 7. With a significant sample of AGNs (N = 27) at z > 4, it is found that both source number counts in the 0.5-2 keV band and comoving space density are consistent with the expectation of a luminosity-dependent density evolution (LDDE) model at all redshifts, while they exclude the luminosity and density evolution (LADE) model. The measured comoving space density of type-1 and type-2 AGNs shows a constant ratio between the two types at z > 3. These results for both AGN types at these redshifts are consistent with the expectations of LDDE model. The high-redshift AGN sample used in this work has been selected from the C-COSMOS X-ray catalog, combining the spectroscopic and photometric information available from the identification catalogue of X-ray C-COSMOS sources (Civano et al. 2011, ApJ, 741, 91; 2012, ApJS, 201, 30) and the ChaMP (Chandra Multi-wavelength Project) X-ray catalog using only the 323 ChaMP ObsIDs overlapping with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; Richards et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 2766) DR5 imaging. This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2016 based on the <a href="">CDS catalog J/MNRAS/445/1430</a> file tablea1.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .