Variables: The variable Position of tree describes the recording protocol. It has the values PLOT for trees that were surveyed in detail on a square plot, CIRCLEPLOT for trees that were surveyed in detail on a circular plot, PLOTHEIGHT for trees that were surveyed with less detail on a circular plot, and EXTRA for trees that are next to a plot. The variable Species group was derived from the variable Species for further analysis. The variable Growth type has the values T = Tree, K = Krumholz, S = Shrub, M = Multistem, TL = Tree lying. The variable Vitality estimate has the values ++ = very high vitality, + = high vitality, 0 = mediocre vitality, - = low vitality, – = very low vitality. Predicted diameters were derived with allometric formulas from height if they were not explicitly measured. Basal areas and Volume were calculated using the height and diameters or predicted diameters.Exact coordinates (latitude and longitude) were not always recorded for every tree. In that case, refer to the coordinate of the plot.Variables were rounded after calculations.