Processed physical properties of sediment core PS87_030_KA


Physical properties of core PS87_030_KAL were retrieved onboard RV Polarstern during expedition PS87 using a Geotek Multi-Sensor Core Logger MSCL-S. Processing of p-wave velocity data included calibration using a water-filled liner. Density data were calibrated by measuring an aluminum-water calibration piece. Porosity is inferred from density using a mean grain density of 2.75 g cm-3 and a water density of 1.026 g cm-3. Magnetic susceptibility data were measured using a loop sensor with a diameter of 140 mm. For correction of low magnetic susceptibility values at core ends, short liner pieces were always measured before the first and after the last section, respectively. Values measured in these two pieces were added to the reduced values measured at the core ends. Volume correction was performed using a value of 0.555. Drift correction was carried out for magnetic susceptibility measurements using a linear regression. All data were cleaned for outliers. This publication contains data from Lomonosov Ridge, Central Arctic.

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Metadata Access
Creator Niessen, Frank ORCID logo; Schreck, Michael; Hörner, Tanja ORCID logo; Matthiessen, Jens ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Data access is restricted (moratorium, sensitive data, license constraints);
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 3041 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-61.542 LON, 88.662 LAT); Arctic Ocean