Here we provide in situ 10Be data, meteoric 10Be data, X-Ray fluorescence data, infiltration rate field date, chemical extraction data, a summary of grain size data, all grain size data (Table S7), mineral point counting data, XRD data, soil grain size data, and data from laboratory measurements of hydrological parameters. Field work in Santa Gracia was conducted in February of the years 2019 and 2020 and laboratory work was conducted between 2019 and 2023. This data publication accompanies our study (Lodes et al., 2024), in which we investigate whether lithology controls drainage density in Santa Gracia, a semi-arid field site in Central Chile. In the study, we compare the density of drainages in two distinct, neighbouring landscapes underlain by a monzogranite and two diorite plutons (which we refer to as the “inner diorite” and the “outer diorite”). We collected multiple datasets to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the drainage density differences. The data was collected as part of the German Science Foundation (DFG) priority research program SPP-1803 “EarthShape: Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” (grant SCHE 1676/4-1 and -2 to D. S.; funding of P. G. through grant BE 1780/53-1 and -2).