SAM: Simplified Analytical Model of Dyke Pathways in Three Dimensions


SAM ("Simplified Analytical Model") is a MatLab-based software that allows for fast and flexible simulations of three-dimensional dyke pathways in an elastic medium. The model was first introduced in "Mechanical modeling of pre-eruptive magma propagation scenarios at calderas" (Mantiloni, L. et al. 2023). In SAM, dykes are modelled as penny-shaped cracks of fixed radius, opening against the local direction of the least-compressive principal stress. The direction of propagation is determined by the gradient of the external stress normal to the crack's plane and the buoyancy force of the magma filling the dyke, calculated at a set of observation points along the crack's tipline. The model can also include a uniform internal pressure within the dyke and compute the stress intensity factor along the crack's tipline, comparing it to the fracture toughness of the host rock to determine if the dyke will advance. SAM needs a model for the stress field of the host rock as input, as well as magma and rock densities, rock elastic properties, the dyke's radius and the number of observation points. The model may be applied to simulate dyke pathways in realistic volcanic settings with different stress sources, and can perform large numbers of simulations in little time. The model does not, however, account for any viscous flow of magma within the dyke, nor the velocity of dyke propagation. Dykes cannot change shape or area during the propagation, and are always bound to be oriented normally to the local least-compressive principal stress axis. This repository also includes data and parameters of the synthetic scenarios discussed in "Mechanical modeling of pre-eruptive magma propagation scenarios at calderas".

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Metadata Access
Creator Mantiloni, Lorenzo (ORCID: ORCID logo); Rivalta, Eleonora (ORCID: ORCID logo); Davis, Timothy (ORCID: ORCID logo)
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Mantiloni, Lorenzo; Rivalta, Eleonora; Davis, Timothy
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, N RI 2782 6 1 ZO 277 3 1
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact Mantiloni, Lorenzo (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany); Mantiloni, Lorenzo (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; Potsdam University, Institute for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
Resource Type Software
Discipline Geosciences