Galaxies Behind the Milky Way

This catalogue gathers the searches for galaxies of apparent size greater than 0.1mm (6.7") behind the Milky Way from photographic surveys in the near infrared. The five volumes cover the galactic longitude ranges -7 to +68{deg}, and 210 to 250{deg}. Introduction to Volumes 1 and 2: The two catalogs, CGMW1 and CGMW2, giving about 7000 galaxies behind the Milky Way between l = 210 degrees and 250 degrees, represents a systematic search for galaxies by means of 32 film copies of the UK Schmidt Southern Infrared Atlas on the Milky Way covering about 900 square degrees. In the search galaxies with apparent sizes greater than 0.1mm on film (6.7 arcsec in size) were detected by visual inspection. The material and procedure of search are described as well as the detectability of galaxies in paper I and paper II appended before Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of the catalog, respectively, which have been published in Publ. Astron. Soc Japan, Vol. 42 (1990) and Vol. 43 (1991). The parameters of catalogued galaxies are also explained in paper I. Cross-identifications with other catalogs are shown in the last column. The search was performed by undergraduate students of a galactic astronomy program in Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, in 1988 and 1989. Since the main researchers changed from the search in 1988 (Vol. 1) to that in 1989 (Vol. 2), a surface brightness level determining the extents of galaxy images somewhat differs between Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, yielding a difference of mean number densities of the detected galaxies between Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. The difference is examined in paper II. The detectability of galaxies, especially of smallest galaxies, increased in the overlap zones of adjacent fields of the Atlas; the effects are discussed in a paper (Yamada and Saito 1991, to appear in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol. 43). In spite of such inhomogeneities in search for galaxies, the catalog is useful as a finding list of bright galaxies, peculiar galaxies, and nearby clusters of galaxies in the region behind the Milky Way. The machine-readable version of the catalog has been made through efforts of Mr. Shogo Nishida, Mr. Tadafumi Takata, and Professor Shiro Nishimura. This will be distributed upon request from Astronomical Data Analysis Center of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and other astronomical data centers. This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (01420002) of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture. June 1991 Mamoru Saito Description of Vol. 5: We performed a visual systematic search for galaxies on POSS II(B) plates in a Milky Way region between l~32{deg}-68{deg} and b~-4{deg} to 19{deg}. This region partly contains the Local Void, and the north supergalactic pole exists at the central part. The surveyed area was about 560 deg^2^ , and a total of 11,310 galaxies and galaxy candidates with sizes of 01 or greater were identified. Among the detected objects, 152 have been given in galaxy catalogs and 159, including 49 known galaxies, are associated with IRAS point sources. We made a catalog of the detected objects, in which the position in (RA, DE) and (l, b), the size, and the features of the image and multiplicity are given for each object. The surface number densities of the detected objects almost depend on the Galactic latitude. In the surveyed region, there is no nearby cluster and there is an outstanding concentration of galaxies at l=7{deg}-12{deg} and 4000-5000 km/s.

Cone search capability for table VII/209A/cgmw1 (Volume 1: l=210 to 230 deg)

Cone search capability for table VII/209A/cgmw2 (Volume 2: l=230 to 250 deg)

Cone search capability for table VII/209A/cgmw3 (Volume 3: l= 8 to 43 deg)

Cone search capability for table VII/209A/cgmw5ir (Cross identification of the CGMW5 detected objects with IRAS point sources)

Cone search capability for table VII/209A/cgmw4 (Volume 4: l= -7 to 16 deg)

Cone search capability for table VII/209A/cgmw5 (Volume 5: l= 32 to 68 deg)

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Metadata Access
Creator Saito M.; Ohtani H.; Asonuma A.; Kashikawa N.; Maki T.; Nishida S.,Watanabe T.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2001
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics