This dataset contains two archives that serve as supporting information to the ViPErLEED paper titled "ViPErLEED package I: Calculation of I(V) curves and structural optimization". The archives contain quantitative low-energy electron diffraction — LEED-I(V) — measurements and calculations for the Fe₂O₃(1-102)-(1×1) surface.
For up-to-date information on ViPErLEED see our homepage at The ViPErLEED source code is hosted on GitHub under
Below is a list of the contents of the two archives. For details, see the respective README files.
LEED-IV_data_Fe2O3-1x1/├── edit_Fe2O3(1-102)-1x1.csv <-- Curve-Editor Edit file├── EXPBEAMS_Fe2O3(1-102)-1x1.csv <-- Final extracted I(V) curves├── IV_videos/ <-- Raw LEED-I(V) videos│ └── ...├── pattern_file_Fe2O3(1-102)-(1x1).csv <-- Pattern file used by the Spot Tracker├── raw_image_E=261.5.png <-- Representative snapshot LEED pattern├── README.txt <-- This README file├── Spot_Tracker-extraction/ <-- Spot-Tracker logs and results│ └── ...└── Spot_Tracker-mask_1x1.tif <-- Mask used by the Spot Tracker
LEED-IV_calculation_Fe2O3-1x1/├── errors_summary/ <-- Uncertainties for fitted structure│ └── ...├── <-- List of calculations steps and notes├── history/ <-- Intermediate inputs and outputs│ └── ...├── Fe2O3_inputs/ <-- Initial inputs│ ├── POSCAR│ ├── PARAMETERS│ └── EXPBEAMS.csv├── Fe2O3_converged/ <-- Final structure#│ ├── CONTCAR_relaxed│ ├── LEED_to_DFT_atom_numbers.txt│ ├── POSCAR_bestfit│ └── VIBROCC_bestfit└── README.txt <-- This README file