The SAXAO database contains the list of the all accepted AO1/AO2/AO3/A04/AO5 SAX CORE and GO program proposals, approved for the first year of operations. The database also includes targets scheduled for the Science Verification Phase (SVP) (from launch, 30 April 1996, till August 1996). The CORE program includes proposals led by Principal Investigator belonging to Italian or Dutch institutions, to the Space Science Department of ESA or to the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestial Physics in Garching. Approximately 80 percent of the first year observing time is allocated to the CORE program. The remaining 20 percent of time for the first year operations is reserved for the GO program. For the AO2 60 percent is allocated to the CORE program and 40 percent to the GO. For the AO3 and AO4 50 percent is allocated to the CORE program and 50 percent to the GO. More information on the SAX mission is available at the following address <a href=""></a>; and also <a href=""></a>;. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .