Fundación Psico Ballet Maite León


Founded in 1986, the Maite León Psico Ballet Foundation is a private non-profit organization centred on extensive training in the field of performing arts, featuring people with physical, psychological, intellectual, developmental, or sensory diversity. The company has, therefore, developed its very own method, referred to as the “Maite León Psico Ballet method,” involving dance, theatre, music, percussion, singing, and facial and body makeup classes with the aim of training actor-dancers in a diverse fashion. In order to achieve this goal, the company includes new educational strategies, promoting a positive perception of self, self-motivation, creativity, initiative, perseverance, responsibility, autonomy, teamwork, and respect for diversity among their actors. Throughout the years, Psico Ballet has won many national and international awards. The foundation was brought to life by Maite León (a dancer and choreographer), the mother of a daughter with intellectual disability. During her time at the company, more than 600 students with disabilities and over 2,000 professionals in the field of special education as well as performing arts have been trained, and their shows have been performed in Europe, the United States, and Canada for over a million spectators. Currently, the foundation involves four companies with different formats: Fritsch Company (a professional inclusive contemporary dance company producing shows aimed at adults), the Psico Ballet company (offering family shows), the Company School (producing shows such as “HorAs”), and the Contemporaries Company (involving over 60 dancers, staging a theatre show called “Under the Carpet”). The Psico Ballet company actually predates the foundation itself: it was created in 1980 from the need to show the beauty and capacity of people with disabilities. In the beginning, their shows were strongly demanding, depicting realities such as the hiding of people with disabilities or the environmental situation, later turning to more visual and educational shows, aimed at children and youth. The company consists of 40 dancers, both disabled and not, therefore being inclusive and fostering relationships between intergenerational people with and without disabilities. The foundation’s team organizing the management, teaching, and artistic productions consists of qualified professionals from the fields of social theatre and community work, involving experts in medicine, psychology, sociology, and stage directors, as well as choreographers, stage designers, and many more. This team coordinates and develops the shows, training, and rehearsals. Productions: Jet Lag (2014) Un Mar de sueños (2009) Para los que Sueñan (1996) Entropía (1992) Queíios (1986) La Contaminación (1982)

Metadata Access
Creator Gabriela Martín León
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SoledadPereyra(at)
Publication Year 2023
Rights Fundación Psico Ballet Maite León; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language Spanish; Castilian
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 386 Bytes
Version 2023-12-15T13:38:40.602+01:00
Discipline Dance; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities