Data for Ritvanen et al. (2022) "Complementarity of Wind Measurements from Co-located X-band Weather Radar and Doppler Lidar"


Data for producing Figures 4, 6, 10. and 12 in the article "Complementarity of Wind Measurements from Co-located X-band Weather Radar and Doppler Lidar" by Ritvanen et al.

Figure 4 (1st column: range in meters, 2nd column: fraction value) measurement_ranges_lidar.csv measurement_ranges_xband.csv

Figure 6 (1st column: range in meters, next columns: fraction value for horizontal visibility bin, bin upper limit in 1st row) measurement_ranges_lidar_VIS_PT1M_AVG_75000.csv measurement_ranges_xband_VIS_PT1M_AVG_75000.csv

Figure 10 (1st column: range in meters, next columns: fraction value for cloud base height bin, bin upper limit in 1st row) measurement_ranges_lidar_CLHB_PT1M_INSTANT_3000.csv measurement_ranges_xband_CLHB_PT1M_INSTANT_3000.csv

Figure 12 (1st column: range in meters, next columns: fraction value for precipitation intensity bin, bin upper limit in 1st row) measurement_ranges_lidar_PRIO_PT10M_AVG_4.csv measurement_ranges_xband_PRIO_PT10M_AVG_4.csv

Weather station measurements used in the analysis (1st & 2nd column: time; 3rd col: weather station name (stationname); 4th col: 10min avg optical precipitation intensity (PRIO_PT10M_AVG); 5th col: 1min avg cloud base height (CLHB_PT1M_INSTANT); 6th col: 1min avg horizontal visibility (VIS_PT1M_AVG) weather_data_20210501_20211130.csv

Metadata Access
Creator Ritvanen, Jenna; O'Connor, Ewan; Moisseev, Dmitri; Lehtinen, Raisa; Tyynelä, Jani; Thobois, Ludovic
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact jenna.ritvanen(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format csv
Size 27.2 MB; 9 files
Discipline Environmental science