

The collection of the second volume of the "Quijote apocrífo" in chapters by Avellaneda is originally extracted from Biblioteca Virtual de Miguel de Cervantes: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/segundo-tomo-del-ingenioso-hidalgo-don-quijote-de-la-mancha--0/html/ and converted to plaintext format. For the process of digitization from the 1614 edition see the scan of the original book at BVMC: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/segundo-tomo-del-ingenioso-hidalgo-don-quixote-de-la-mancha-que-contiene-su-tercera-salida-y-es-la-quinta-parte-de-sus-auenturas--0/html/ff3b6b9e-82b1-11df-acc7-002185ce6064.html . For the facts and doubt of printing the book initially in 1614 in Tarragona see the article by the Cervantes/Avellaneda specialist Luis Gómez Canseco: Avellaneda en la imprenta: Tarragona. In: El otro Don Quijote. La continuación de Fernández de Avellaneda y sus efectos. Hg. von Hanno Ehrlicher. Augsburg 2016, S. 11–26. URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:384-opus4-37049 .

The collection of the secons volume of the "Quijote apocrífo" by Avellaneda is originally extracted from Biblioteca Virtual de Miguel de Cervantes: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/segundo-tomo-del-ingenioso-hidalgo-don-quijote-de-la-mancha--0/html/ and converted to plaintext format. For the process of digitization from the 1614 edition see the scan of the original book at BVMC: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/segundo-tomo-del-ingenioso-hidalgo-don-quixote-de-la-mancha-que-contiene-su-tercera-salida-y-es-la-quinta-parte-de-sus-auenturas--0/html/ff3b6b9e-82b1-11df-acc7-002185ce6064.html . For the facts and doubt of printing the book initially in 1614 in Tarragona see the article by the Cervantes/Avellaneda specialist Luis Gómez Canseco: Avellaneda en la imprenta: Tarragona. In: El otro Don Quijote. La continuación de Fernández de Avellaneda y sus efectos. Hg. von Hanno Ehrlicher. Augsburg 2016, S. 11–26. URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:384-opus4-37049

DOI https://doi.org/10.20375/0000-000C-D940-7
Metadata Access https://repository.de.dariah.eu/1.0/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=hdl:21.11113/0000-000C-D940-7
Creator http://viaf.org/viaf/77109993; Fernández de Avellaneda, Alonso
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor Nanette(at)dariah.eu
Publication Year 2020
Rights CC BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language Spanish; Castilian
Resource Type text/plain; Dataset
Format text/plain
Size 25577 Bytes
Version 2020-06-24T17:19:24.280
Discipline Humanities