SIGGMA: inner galaxy data release


The Survey of Ionized Gas of the Galaxy, Made with the Arecibo telescope (SIGGMA) provides a fully sampled view of the radio recombination line (RRL) emission from the portion of the Galactic plane visible with Arecibo. Observations use the Arecibo L-band Feed Array, which has a FWHM beam size of 3.4'. Twelve hydrogen RRLs from H163{alpha} to H174{alpha} are located within the instantaneous bandpass from 1225MHz to 1525MHz. We provide here cubes of average ("stacked") RRL emission for the inner Galaxy region 32{deg}<=l<=70{deg}, |b|<=1.5{deg}, with an angular resolution of 6'. The stacked RRL rms at 5.1km/s velocity resolution is ~0.65mJy/beam, making this the most sensitive large-scale fully sampled RRL survey extant. We use SIGGMA data to catalog 319 RRL detections in the direction of 244 known HII regions, and 108 new detections in the direction of 79 HII region candidates. We identify 11 carbon RRL emission regions, all of which are spatially coincident with known HII regions. We detect RRL emission in the direction of 14 of the 32 supernova remnants (SNRs) found in the survey area. This RRL emission frequently has the same morphology as the SNRs. The RRL velocities give kinematic distances in agreement with those found in the literature, indicating that RRLs may provide an additional tool to constrain distances to SNRs. Finally, we analyze the two bright star-forming complexes: W49 and W51. We discuss the possible origins of the RRL emission in directions of SNRs W49B and W51C.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/240/14/table2 (Catalog of 319 radio recombination line (RRL) detections towards 244 "known" HII regions from the WISE catalog (Anderson+, 2014, J/ApJS/212/1))

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/240/14/table3 (Catalog of 108 RRL detections towards 79 "candidate" HII regions from the WISE catalog)

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Metadata Access
Creator Liu B.; Anderson L.D.; McIntyre T.; Roshi D. A.; Churchwell E.,Minchin R.; Terzian Y.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2019
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interstellar medium; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics