Santa Barbara Coastal LTER - United States of America

The Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research (SBC LTER) site is an interdisciplinary program established in 2000 to understand the ecology of coastal kelp forest ecosystems. Our research is focused on the nearshore waters of southern California, where ocean currents and climate are highly variable with season and longer-term cycles, including the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. SBC’s principal study domain is a 10,000 square kilometer area of the northern portion of the Southern California Bight that includes the Santa Barbara Channel and the steep coastal watersheds, small estuaries and sandy beaches that border the Channel.

Related Identifier
Related Identifier,-90,180,90&width=768&height=363&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers
Metadata Access
Publisher DEIMS-SDR
Contributor DEIMS-SDR Site and Dataset registry
Publication Year 2012
Rights No conditions apply to access and use; Data collected under the auspices of the SBC LTER are available to the public after primary publication, or at most two years after the completion of the study unless proprietary restrictions are warranted.
OpenAccess true
Contact lkui(at)
Version 3.2.1
Discipline Environmental Monitoring
Spatial Coverage (-120.751W, 33.719S, -119.081E, 34.574N)