*Base of slide surface+1979 Bramley Drive landslide dimensions from Gulliver and Houghton (1980)++Main failure eventTer–Terrace; Rd–Road; Av–Avenue; Grv–Grove; St–Street; Dr–Drive; Pl–PlaceTPI–Te Puna Ignimbrite; PT–Pahoia Tephras; HA–Hamilton Ashes; N/A–Not available D–deep-seated; S–shallow; DS–complex earth slide with deep-seated being the dominant mode of failure and shallow failure associated to the main eventA–Cyclone Debbie (April 5th, 2017); B–Cyclone Cook (April 13th, 2017).Notation:L_s – distance from toe of slip surface to crown of the main scarpW_s – maximum width between flanks of the landslide perpendicular to L_sD_s – maximum depth of slip surface below the original ground surface, measured perpendicular to the plane containing W_s and L_sH – vertical distance between crown and tip of the landslide depositL – horizontal distance between crown and tip of the landslide depositsA_L – landslide areaV_s – Volume of shallow landslidesV_ds – Volume of deep-seated landslidesβ – travel angleReferences cited-Gulliver, C., and Houghton, B., 1980, Omokoroa Point Land Stability Investigation: Tonkin & Taylor.