Biologische Station Neusiedler See is situated at Lake Neusiedl in Illmitz (Austria) and is a service department of the office of the provincial government of Burgenland. The institution offers high scale experience in basic and applied ecological research in Burgenland over the last 50 years. Located in the middle of the Neusiedler See – Seewinkel national park the Biological station hosts a high standard chemical and microbiological laboratory for water analysis, which has an accreditation for a variety of physico-chemical, chemical and microbiological parameters as well as diverse sampling procedures. The Institution provides expert opinions for water quality as well as applied cross-sectoral research and ecosystem monitoring.
The Biological Station is a well-known cooperation partner of local, regional, national and international institutions, stakeholders, Universities and state offices of Burgenland.
With several different subsites and partners (ABOL (NHM Wien), Hydrographischer Dienst Burgenland, Medizinische Universität Wien, Universität Wien, Umweltbundesamt), the Biological Station is able to provide long-term data regarding meteorology, limnology, lake chemistry, entomology, botany, air quality and carbon-fluxes.
Thus, the Biological Station provides bases for decision making with regard to the development of a balanced cultural landscape.