CorefUD conversion of Slovene corpus for aspect-based sentiment analysis SentiCoref


This corpus is the CorefUD conversion of the SentiCoref corpus for coreference resolution in Slovene contained within the SUK 1.1 collection of corpora ( SentiCoref contains 756 documents annotated with coreference information. Coreference in Universal Dependencies (CorefUD) is an initiative to collect coreference corpora in various languages and harmonize them to the same scheme and data format (CoNLL-U). The coreference information is stored in the MISC column. More concretely, the start and end of each coreference mention is marked with the "Entity=" attribute. For example, "Entity=(e0" marks the start of the entity e0 at the current token while "Entity=e0) marks the end of the entity e0 at the current token. For full details on the format, please see To ensure compliance with the CoNLL-U format, the corpus was automatically annotated with trankit v1.1.2 to obtain universal part of speech tags (UPOS) and dependencies (head, dependency relation), while the remainder of annotations (lemmas, XPOS - MULTEXT-East V6, features) were copied from the SUK 1.1 resource. To enable implementation into the SloBENCH evaluation framework (, we release the labeled SentiCoref corpus (training set) and an unlabeled test set. To prevent accidental data leaks, the test set labels are not publicly released, and are only indirectly accesible via the SloBENCH evaluation framework. In comparison to the original SentiCoref corpus, this contains the same texts and coreference information in a different (more universal) format. Additionally it contains 81 unlabeled private test set texts.

Metadata Access
Creator Klemen, Matej; Žitnik, Slavko
Publisher Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene
Resource Type corpus
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/octet-stream; text/plain; downloadable_files_count: 3
Discipline Linguistics