The GALFA-HI compact cloud catalog


We present a catalog of 1964 isolated, compact neutral hydrogen clouds from the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array Survey Data Release One. The clouds were identified by a custom machine-vision algorithm utilizing the difference of Gaussian kernels to search for clouds smaller than 20'. The clouds have velocities typically between |V_LSR_|=20 and 400km/s, line widths of 2.5-35km/s, and column densities ranging from 1 to 35x10^18^/cm2. The distances to the clouds in this catalog may cover several orders of magnitude, so the masses may range from less than a solar mass for clouds within the Galactic disk, to greater than 10^4^M_{sun}_for high-velocity clouds (HVCs) at the tip of the Magellanic Stream. To search for trends, we separate the catalog into five populations based on position, velocity, and line width: HVCs; galaxy candidates; cold low-velocity clouds (LVCs); warm, low positive-velocity clouds in the third Galactic quadrant; and the remaining warm LVCs. The observed HVCs are found to be associated with previously identified HVC complexes. We do not observe a large population of isolated clouds at high velocities as some models predict. We see evidence for distinct histories at low velocities in detecting populations of clouds corotating with the Galactic disk and a set of clouds that is not corotating.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/758/44/table1 (DR1 GALFA-HI cloud catalog)

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Metadata Access
Creator Saul D.R.; Peek J.E.G.; Grcevich J.; Putman M.E.; Douglas K.A.,Korpela E.J.; Stanimirovic S.; Heiles C.; Gibson S.J.; Lee M.; Begum A.,Brown A.R.H.; Burkhart B.; Hamden E.T.; Pingel N.M.; Tonnesen S.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2014
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interstellar medium; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics