An extensive program of inhole geophysical measurements, implementing the Gearhart-Owen logging package and Uyeda temperature probe, was planned in support of the drilling program. These measurements were designed to aid in predicting in situ physical property variations of lower, middle, and upper slope sediments. Correlation of these variations with the extensive seismic reflection grid would aid in interpreting sediment response to the dynamic effects of subduction. In situ temperature measurements may help to substantiate the gas hydrate reflection as the phase boundary between hydrated and nonhydrated sediments. Unfortunately, Murphy's laws prevailed, and equipment malfunctions related to sand in the bit release mechanism thwarted our attempt to release the bit and log the open hole at all sites. In addition, incorrect assembly of the Uyeda tool and related bottom latching problems degraded part of the temperature data collected with this device.
Supplement to: Shipley, Thomas H; Shephard, Les E (1982): Temperature data from the Mexico drilling area: Report on logging and inhole temperature experiments. In: Watkins, JS; Casey Moore, J; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 66, 771-774