Sections of core MD13-3473, collected from the Tore seamount on the Iberian margin, were analysed by using non-destructive, continuous X-ray fluorescence (XRF), with an irradiated surface of 5 mm-length (down-core) and 12 mm width (cross-core). The split halves of all sections were carefully scraped and covered with 40 mm-thick film and flattened to the sediment surface removing any air bubbles trapped below. The entire length of MD13-3473 was measured every 1 cm using an Avaatech core scanner at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Spectra were processed with the WinAxiBatch software. For external calibration, the SMAR4 standard supplied by Avaatech (Analytical X-ray Technology, The Netherlands) was used. Two replicates were performed along each of the sixteen 1.5 m-long sections.
Projects:Tore-5deglaciations, Award: CTM2017-84113-R