Neutron Residual Stress Measurements of CANDU Piping Components
Residual stresses (RSs) in welded structures are inevitable and it is vital that they are considered and quantitatively estimated when analysing cracking and fracture problems such as those emanating form conventional and nuclear power facilities. In this research proposal we would concentrate on providing high quality measurements data of residual stress in complexes similar and dissimilar welds in piping components for CANDU industry. There are three main objectives of the present proposal: (1) to determine the RS in the bended pipe and proto-typical dissimilar metal feeder welds in the as-welded condition and after successful repair; (2) cross correlation of the ND results with other non-destructive diffraction technique; finally, (3) the results will be compared with the current assessment procedures.
- 10
- 1010598
- 1st
- 50
- 90deg
- Components
- Duan
- Full
- H_90 x190 2y 194 0z...
- H_90 x190 2y 194 1z...
- H_90 x190 4y 195 2z...
- H_90 x190 4y 195 2z...
- H_90n x190 1y 193 8...
- H_90n x190 1y 193 8...
- H_90n x190 1y 193 9...
- H_90n x190 1y 193 9...
- H_90n x190 2y 194 1...
- H_90n x190 3y 195 1...
- H_90n x190 5y 196 1...
- H_90n x190 5y 196 1...
- H_90n x190 6y 196 2...
- H_90n x190 7y 197 2...
- H_90n x190 8y 197 3...
- H_90n x190 9y 198 4...
- H_90n x191 0y 198 6...
- Hoop_0b x149 8y 250...
- Hoop_0b x150 1y 250...
- Hoop_0b x152 0y 250...
- Hoop_0b x154 0y 249...
- Hoop_0b x154 1y 249...
- Hz
- Measurements
- Neutron
- Paradowska
- Piping
- Residual
- Stress
- T_0_1b x245 0y 302 ...
- T_0_1b x245 2y 302 ...
- T_0_1b x245 3y 305 ...
- T_0_1b x245 4y 299 ...
- T_0_1b x245 4y 305 ...
- T_0_1b x245 5y 299 ...
- T_0_1b x245 5y 308 ...
- T_0_1b x245 6y 308 ...
- T_0_1b x245 7y 296 ...
- T_0_1b x245 9y 296 ...
- T_0_1b x245 9y 302 ...
- T_0_1b x246 1y 299 ...
- T_0_1b x246 1y 305 ...
- T_0_1b x246 2y 296 ...
- T_0_1b x246 2y 308 ...
- T_1b90_ x156 9y 288...
- T_1b90_ x156 9y 300...
- T_1b90_ x157 1y 291...
- T_1b90_ x157 1y 297...
- T_1b90_ x157 2y 294...
- a90_ x245 7y 303 6z...
- a90_ x245 9y 297 6z...
- a90_ x246 0y 291 6z...
- a90_ x247 0y 303 6z...
- a90_ x247 1y 297 6z...
- a90_ x247 2y 291 6z...
- a90_ x248 2y 303 6z...
- a90_ x248 3y 297 6z...
- a90_ x248 4y 291 7z...
- a90_ x249 2y 297 6z...
- a90_ x249 2y 303 6z...
- a90_ x249 4y 291 7z...
- a90_ x249 8y 317 7z...
- a90_ x249 8y 337 7z...
- a90_ x250 2y 309 6z...
- a90_ x250 3y 303 7z...
- a90_ x250 3y 305 2z...
- a90_ x250 3y 306 7z...
- a90_ x250 4y 300 7z...
- a90_ x250 5y 294 7z...
- a90_ x250 6y 291 7z...
- a90_ x250 7y 285 8z...
- a90_ x250 7y 288 7z...
- a90_ x250 7y 297 7z...
- ax0 x245 5y 294 7z3...
- ax0 x245 5y 297 7z3...
- ax0 x245 6y 291 5z3...
- ax0 x246 3y 285 3z3...
- ax0 x246 5y 294 3z3...
- ax0 x246 7y 298 6z3...
- ax0 x247 0y 297 5z3...
- ax0 x247 2y 291 5z3...
- ax0 x247 2y 294 5z3...
- ax0 x247 3y 291 4z3...
- ax0 x247 6y 291 4z3...
- ax0 x247 6y 297 6z3...
- ax0 x248 0y 297 6z3...
- ax0 x248 2y 291 4z3...
- ax0 x248 3y 285 3z3...
- ax0 x248 7y 298 6z3...
- ax0 x249 0y 291 4z3...
- ax0 x249 0y 297 5z3...
- ax0 x249 3y 291 5z3...
- ax0 x249 5y 291 4z3...
- ax0 x249 5y 297 6z3...
- ax0 x249 6y 294 5z3...
- ax0 x249 9y 297 4z3...
- ax0 x250 3y 285 2z3...
- ax0 x250 7y 288 2z3...
- ax0 x250 7y 298 6z3...
- ax0 x250 7y 331 3z3...
- ax0 x250 9y 297 4z3...
- ax0 x250 9y 299 0z3...
- ax0 x250 9y 303 5z3...
- ax0 x250 9y 311 3z3...
- ax0 x251 0y 300 3z3...
- ax0 x251 2y 291 3z3...
- ax0 x251 3y 294 3z3...
- ax0 x251 4y 294 4z3...
- beads
- carbon
- dz
- dz x211 3y 285 3z196 4
- dz x211 3y 291 3z196 4
- dz x211 3y 291 3z201 4
- dz x211 3y 291 3z216 4
- dz x211 3y 297 3z196 4
- dz x211 3y 297 3z201 4
- dz x211 3y 297 3z216 4
- dz x211 3y 303 3z196 4
- dz x211 3y 303 3z201 4
- dz x211 3y 303 3z216 4
- dz x211 3y 309 3z201 4
- dz x211 3y 309 3z206 4
- dz x211 3y 309 3z211 4
- dz x211 3y 309 3z216 4
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 268 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 271 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 274 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 277 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 280 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 283 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 286 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 289 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 289 ...
- dz_ax_ x212 7y 295 ...
- dz_t x192 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x198 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x204 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x207 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x213 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x216 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x219 2y 277 5z...
- dz_t x222 2y 277 5z...
- dzero x186 5y 213 4...
- dzero x186 5y 213 4...
- dzero x186 5y 213 4...
- dzero x186 5y 213 4...
- dzero x186 5y 213 4...
- dzero x186 5y 213 4...
- dzero x190 5y 213 4...
- dzero x190 5y 213 4...
- dzero x190 5y 213 4...
- dzero x190 5y 213 4...
- h0_1b_ x192 7y 271 ...
- h0_1b_ x192 8y 270 ...
- h0_1b_ x192 8y 270 ...
- h0_1b_ x192 8y 271 ...
- h0_1b_ x192 9y 270 ...
- h0_1b_ x200 2y 274 ...
- h0_1b_ x200 2y 274 ...
- h0_1b_ x200 2y 274 ...
- h0_1b_ x200 2y 274 ...
- h0_1b_ x200 3y 274 ...
- h0_1b_ x207 8y 277 ...
- h0_1b_ x207 9y 276 ...
- h0_1b_ x207 9y 276 ...
- h0_1b_ x207 9y 276 ...
- h0_1b_ x207 9y 276 ...
- h90_1b_ x260 9y 242...
- h90_1b_ x260 9y 242...
- h90_1b_ x261 0y 242...
- h90_1b_ x261 1y 242...
- h90_1b_ x261 2y 242...
- hoop0 x148 4y 241 8...
- hoop0 x148 5y 241 8...
- hoop0 x149 2y 241 9...
- hoop0 x150 7y 241 8...
- hoop0 x151 2y 241 8...
- hoop0 x151 9y 258 9...
- hoop0 x151 9y 258 9...
- hoop0 x152 1y 258 9...
- hoop0 x152 5y 241 8...
- hoop0 x152 7y 241 8...
- hoop0 x152 9y 249 9...
- hoop0 x153 2y 241 8...
- hoop0 x153 3y 249 8...
- hoop0 x153 8y 258 2...
- hoop0 x153 9y 249 8...
- hoop0 x154 0y 258 2...
- hoop0 x155 7y 257 5...
- hoop0 x155 9y 257 4...
- hoop0 x156 0y 257 4...
- hoop_0 x149 2y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x149 4y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x149 8y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x149 9y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x149 9y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x150 1y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x150 2y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x150 3y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x151 0y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x151 1y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x151 8y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x152 0y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x152 8y 250 ...
- hoop_0 x153 8y 249 ...
- hoop_90 x190 2y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 2y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 2y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 2y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 2y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 2y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 3y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 3y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 3y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 3y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 4y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 4y 195...
- hoop_90 x190 4y 195...
- hoop_90 x190 5y 194...
- hoop_90 x190 5y 195...
- hoop_90 x190 5y 196...
- hoop_90 x190 6y 196...
- hoop_90 x190 7y 196...
- hoop_90 x190 7y 197...
- hoop_90 x190 7y 197...
- hoop_90 x190 8y 197...
- hoop_90 x190 9y 198...
- hoop_90 x191 0y 198...
- hoop_90 x191 0y 198...
- pipe
- piping
- point
- shot x218 8y 344 0z...
- shot x218 8y 390 0z...
- shot x218 8y 476 0z...
- shot x219 0y 344 0z...
- shot x219 0y 390 0z...
- shot x219 0y 476 0z...
- shot x219 2y 344 0z...
- shot x219 2y 390 0z...
- shot x219 2y 476 0z...
- shot x219 4y 344 0z...
- shot x219 4y 390 0z...
- shot x219 4y 476 0z...
- shot x219 6y 344 0z...
- shot x219 6y 390 0z...
- shot x219 6y 476 0z...
- shot x219 8y 344 0z...
- shot x219 8y 390 0z...
- shot x219 8y 476 0z...
- shot x220 0y 344 0z...
- shot x220 0y 390 0z...
- shot x220 0y 476 0z...
- shot x220 2y 344 0z...
- shot x220 2y 390 0z...
- shot x220 2y 476 0z...
- shot x220 4y 344 0z...
- shot x220 4y 390 0z...
- shot x220 4y 476 0z...
- shot x220 6y 344 0z...
- shot x220 6y 390 0z...
- shot x220 6y 476 0z...
- shot x220 8y 344 0z...
- shot x220 8y 390 0z...
- shot x220 8y 476 0z...
- shot x221 0y 344 0z...
- shot x221 0y 390 0z...
- shot x221 0y 476 0z...
- shot x221 2y 344 0z...
- shot x221 2y 390 0z...
- shot x221 2y 476 0z...
- shot x221 4y 344 0z...
- shot x221 4y 390 0z...
- shot x221 4y 476 0z...
- shot x221 6y 344 0z...
- shot x221 6y 390 0z...
- shot x221 6y 476 0z...
- shot x221 8y 344 0z...
- shot x221 8y 390 0z...
- shot x221 8y 476 0z...
- shot x222 0y 344 0z...
- shot x222 0y 390 0z...
- shot x222 0y 476 0z...
- shot x222 2y 344 0z...
- shot x222 2y 390 0z...
- shot x222 2y 476 0z...
- shot x222 4y 344 0z...
- shot x222 4y 390 0z...
- shot x222 4y 476 0z...
- shot x222 6y 344 0z...
- shot x222 6y 390 0z...
- shot x222 6y 476 0z...
- shot x222 8y 344 0z...
- shot x222 8y 390 0z...
- shot x222 8y 476 0z...
- shot x223 0y 344 0z...
- shot x223 0y 390 0z...
- shot x223 0y 476 0z...
- shot x223 2y 344 0z...
- shot x223 2y 390 0z...
- shot x223 2y 476 0z...
- shot x223 4y 344 0z...
- shot x223 4y 390 0z...
- shot x223 4y 476 0z...
- shot x223 6y 344 0z...
- shot x223 6y 390 0z...
- shot x223 6y 476 0z...
- shot x223 8y 344 0z...
- shot x223 8y 390 0z...
- shot x223 8y 476 0z...
- shot x224 0y 344 0z...
- shot x224 0y 390 0z...
- shot x224 0y 476 0z...
- shot x224 2y 344 0z...
- shot x224 2y 390 0z...
- shot x224 2y 476 0z...
- shot x224 4y 344 0z...
- shot x224 4y 390 0z...
- shot x224 4y 476 0z...
- shot x224 6y 344 0z...
- shot x224 6y 390 0z...
- shot x224 6y 476 0z...
- shot x224 8y 344 0z...
- shot x224 8y 390 0z...
- shot x224 8y 476 0z...
- shot x225 0y 344 0z...
- shot x225 0y 390 0z...
- shot x225 0y 476 0z...
- shot x225 2y 344 0z...
- shot x225 2y 390 0z...
- shot x225 2y 476 0z...
- shot x225 4y 344 0z...
- shot x225 4y 390 0z...
- shot x225 4y 476 0z...
- shot x225 6y 344 0z...
- shot x225 6y 390 0z...
- shot x225 6y 476 0z...
- shot x225 8y 344 0z...
- shot x225 8y 390 0z...
- shot x225 8y 476 0z...
- shot x226 0y 344 0z...
- shot x226 0y 390 0z...
- shot x226 0y 476 0z...
- shot x226 2y 344 0z...
- shot x226 2y 390 0z...
- shot x226 2y 476 0z...
- shot x226 4y 344 0z...
- shot x226 4y 390 0z...
- shot x226 4y 476 0z...
- shot x226 6y 344 0z...
- shot x226 6y 390 0z...
- shot x226 6y 476 0z...
- shot x226 8y 344 0z...
- shot x226 8y 390 0z...
- shot x226 8y 476 0z...
- shot x227 0y 344 0z...
- shot x227 0y 390 0z...
- shot x227 0y 476 0z...
- shot x227 2y 344 0z...
- shot x227 2y 390 0z...
- shot x227 2y 476 0z...
- shot x227 4y 344 0z...
- shot x227 4y 390 0z...
- shot x227 4y 476 0z...
- shot x227 6y 344 0z...
- shot x227 6y 390 0z...
- shot x227 6y 476 0z...
- shot x227 8y 344 0z...
- shot x227 8y 390 0z...
- shot x227 8y 476 0z...
- shot x228 0y 344 0z...
- shot x228 0y 390 0z...
- shot x228 0y 476 0z...
- shot x228 2y 344 0z...
- shot x228 2y 390 0z...
- shot x228 2y 476 0z...
- shot x228 4y 344 0z...
- shot x228 4y 390 0z...
- shot x228 4y 476 0z...
- shot x228 6y 344 0z...
- shot x228 6y 390 0z...
- shot x228 6y 476 0z...
- shot x228 8y 344 0z...
- shot x228 8y 390 0z...
- shot x228 8y 476 0z...
- shot x229 0y 344 0z...
- shot x229 0y 390 0z...
- shot x229 0y 476 0z...
- shot x229 2y 344 0z...
- shot x229 2y 390 0z...
- shot x229 2y 476 0z...
- shot x229 4y 344 0z...
- shot x229 4y 390 0z...
- shot x229 4y 476 0z...
- shot x229 6y 344 0z...
- shot x229 6y 390 0z...
- shot x229 6y 476 0z...
- shot x229 8y 344 0z...
- shot x229 8y 390 0z...
- shot x229 8y 476 0z...
- shot x230 0y 344 0z...
- shot x230 0y 390 0z...
- shot x230 0y 476 0z...
- shot x230 2y 344 0z...
- shot x230 2y 390 0z...
- shot x230 2y 476 0z...
- shot x230 4y 344 0z...
- shot x230 4y 390 0z...
- shot x230 4y 476 0z...
- shot x230 6y 344 0z...
- shot x230 6y 390 0z...
- shot x230 6y 476 0z...
- shot x230 8y 344 0z...
- shot x230 8y 390 0z...
- shot x230 8y 476 0z...
- shot x231 0y 344 0z...
- shot x231 0y 390 0z...
- shot x231 0y 476 0z...
- shot x231 2y 344 0z...
- shot x231 2y 390 0z...
- shot x231 2y 476 0z...
- shot x231 4y 344 0z...
- shot x231 4y 390 0z...
- shot x231 4y 476 0z...
- shot x231 6y 344 0z...
- shot x231 6y 390 0z...
- shot x231 6y 476 0z...
- shot x231 8y 344 0z...
- shot x231 8y 390 0z...
- shot x231 8y 476 0z...
- shot x232 0y 344 0z...
- shot x232 0y 390 0z...
- shot x232 0y 476 0z...
- shot x232 2y 344 0z...
- shot x232 2y 390 0z...
- shot x232 2y 476 0z...
- shot x232 4y 344 0z...
- shot x232 4y 390 0z...
- shot x232 4y 476 0z...
- shot x232 6y 344 0z...
- shot x232 6y 390 0z...
- shot x232 6y 476 0z...
- shot x232 8y 344 0z...
- shot x232 8y 390 0z...
- shot x232 8y 476 0z...
- shot x233 0y 344 0z...
- shot x233 0y 390 0z...
- shot x233 0y 476 0z...
- shot x233 2y 344 0z...
- shot x233 2y 390 0z...
- shot x233 2y 476 0z...
- shot x233 4y 344 0z...
- shot x233 4y 390 0z...
- shot x233 4y 476 0z...
- shot x233 6y 344 0z...
- shot x233 6y 390 0z...
- shot x233 6y 476 0z...
- shot x233 8y 344 0z...
- shot x233 8y 390 0z...
- shot x233 8y 476 0z...
- shot x234 0y 344 0z...
- shot x234 0y 390 0z...
- shot x234 0y 476 0z...
- shot x234 2y 344 0z...
- shot x234 2y 390 0z...
- shot x234 2y 476 0z...
- shot x234 4y 344 0z...
- shot x234 4y 390 0z...
- shot x234 4y 476 0z...
- shot x234 6y 344 0z...
- shot x234 6y 390 0z...
- shot x234 6y 476 0z...
- shot x234 8y 344 0z...
- shot x234 8y 390 0z...
- shot x234 8y 476 0z...
- shot x235 0y 344 0z...
- shot x235 0y 390 0z...
- shot x235 0y 476 0z...
- shot x235 2y 344 0z...
- shot x235 2y 390 0z...
- shot x235 4y 344 0z...
- shot x235 4y 390 0z...
- shot x235 6y 344 0z...
- shot x235 6y 390 0z...
- shot x235 8y 344 0z...
- shot x235 8y 390 0z...
- shotA x234 8y 476 0...
- shotA x235 0y 476 0...
- shotA x235 2y 476 0...
- shotA x235 4y 476 0...
- shotA x235 6y 476 0...
- shotA x235 8y 476 0...
- steel
- xscan x 202 240
- xscan x 202 883
- xscan x 203 526
- xscan x 203 813
- xscan x 204 169
- xscan x 204 384
- xscan x 204 811
- xscan x 204 956
- xscan x 205 454
- xscan x 205 527
- xscan x 206 097
- xscan x 206 099
- xscan x 206 670
- xscan x 206 740
- xscan x 207 241
- xscan x 207 383
- xscan x 207 813
- xscan x 208 026
- xscan x 208 384
- xscan x 208 669
- xscan x 208 956
- xscan x 209 311
- xscan x 209 527
- xscan x 209 954
- xscan x 210 099
- xscan x 210 597
- xscan x 210 670
- xscan x 211 240
- xscan x 302 440
- xscan x 302 890
- xscan x 303 083
- xscan x 303 533
- xscan x 303 726
- xscan x 304 176
- xscan x 304 369
- xscan x 304 819
- xscan x 305 011
- xscan x 305 461
- xscan x 305 654
- xscan x 306 104
- xscan x 306 297
- xscan x 306 747
- xscan x 306 940
- xscan x 307 390
- xscan x 307 583
- xscan x 308 033
- xscan x 308 226
- xscan x 308 676
- xscan x 308 869
- xscan x 309 319
- xscan x 309 511
- xscan x 309 961
- xscan x 310 154
- xscan x 310 604
- xscan x 310 797
- xscan x 311 247
- xscan x 311 440
- xscan x 311 890
- yscan y 204 350
- yscan y 204 850
- yscan y 204 990
- yscan y 205 350
- yscan y 205 490
- yscan y 205 850
- yscan y 205 990
- yscan y 206 350
- yscan y 206 490
- yscan y 206 850
- yscan y 206 990
- yscan y 207 350
- yscan y 207 490
- yscan y 207 850
- yscan y 207 990
- yscan y 208 350
- yscan y 208 490
- yscan y 208 850
- yscan y 208 990
- yscan y 209 350
- yscan y 209 490
- yscan y 209 850
- yscan y 209 990
- yscan y 210 350
- yscan y 210 490
- yscan y 210 850
- yscan y 210 990
- yscan y 211 350
- yscan y 211 490
- yscan y 211 990
- yscan y 229 510
- yscan y 229 990
- yscan y 230 010
- yscan y 230 419
- yscan y 230 510
- yscan y 230 847
- yscan y 231 010
- yscan y 231 276
- yscan y 231 510
- yscan y 231 704
- yscan y 232 010
- yscan y 232 133
- yscan y 232 510
- yscan y 232 561
- yscan y 232 990
- yscan y 233 010
- yscan y 233 419
- yscan y 233 510
- yscan y 233 847
- yscan y 234 010
- yscan y 234 276
- yscan y 234 510
- yscan y 234 704
- yscan y 235 010
- yscan y 235 133
- yscan y 235 510
- yscan y 235 561
- yscan y 235 990
- yscan y 236 010
- yscan y 236 510
Provenance | |
Creator | Dr Ania Paradowska; Dr Xinjian Duan |
Publisher | ISIS Neutron and Muon Source |
Publication Year | 2014 |
Rights | CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International; |
OpenAccess | true |
Contact | isisdata(at) |
Representation | |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Discipline | Photon- and Neutron Geosciences |
Temporal Coverage Begin | 2011-03-15T09:44:18Z |
Temporal Coverage End | 2011-03-21T10:09:21Z |