GIS dataset historical bathymetry and resistant layers in the Ems-Dollard estuary


This GIS dataset contains a bathymetry and a geological dataset on the Ems-Dollard estuary on the Dutch German border. The first dataset shows bathymetry between 1833 and 2014 and the geological dataset shows the position of inherited resistant layers in the substrate of the estuary. Both have been produced for the ED 2050 project of Rijkswaterstaat (Historical and future evolution of the Eems-Dollard estuary’.-----Deze GIS-dataset bevat bathymetrie voor de periode 1833-2014 en een geologisch lagenbestand met resistente lagen in de Eems-Dollard. Deze datasets zijn geproduceerd in het kader van het ED 2050 ‘Academisch onderzoek Historische en Toekomstige Evolutie’ in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat.

Metadata Access
Creator H.J. Pierik
Publisher DANS Data Station Archaeology
Contributor H.J. Pierik; F.S. Busschers (TNO - Geological Survey of the Netherlands); M. van Egmond (Utrecht University Library); M.C. Kosian (Cultural Heritage Agency); B. Hoogendoorn (TNO - Geological Survey of the Netherlands); M.G. Kleinhans (Utrecht University)
Publication Year 2019
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact H.J. Pierik (Utrecht University)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/dbf; audio/midi; application/vnd.mif; application/prj; application/sbn; application/sbx; application/shp; text/xml; application/shx; image/tiff; image/jpeg; application/pdf
Size 5; 730; 390; 50798; 428; 276; 132; 25580; 8257; 220; 62048; 35197; 185470; 28596; 1412; 82700; 23700; 2010; 1302; 486372; 572; 148; 243132; 6586; 476; 81410; 44748; 243143; 36380; 1756; 108516; 31076; 2730; 1778; 100607; 788; 164; 52620; 8328; 620; 35021; 18206; 104810; 16324; 1092; 46664; 13404; 3410; 2249; 109757; 948; 188; 57748; 8571; 756; 34454; 17600; 103022; 16180; 1132; 45908; 13188; 760471; 272116; 109776; 24740; 1452; 68112; 6744; 19532; 122880; 93; 166898; 1773; 32707; 6391; 200486; 1753; 38921; 188269; 1668; 36315; 6381; 171223; 1701; 33219; 6373; 91; 9440626; 2001; 3213866; 101498; 13765383; 2044; 4983003; 79088; 2220544; 304848; 114592; 42967; 8828; 516; 25944; 2270; 7484; 63618; 23106; 8765; 1980; 228; 5476; 1636; 988670; 405780; 134253; 28180; 1300; 81496; 9821; 23356; 56028; 21010; 8114; 1700; 172; 4832; 2284; 6624; 79699552; 47742298; 59559452; 61355204; 6399; 143891; 48640; 49152; 1312037; 1748; 393681; 2979; 632120; 529912; 4720443; 1705083; 4722873; 1739; 98228
Version 3.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Research; Geology; Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Humanities; Natural Sciences