Lithic grain and mineral composition of sand and sandstones from the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea (Table 3)


Sand and sandstone compositions from different types of basins reflect provenance terranes governed by plate tectonics. One hundred and one thin sections of Upper Miocene to Holocene sand-sized material were examined from DSDP/IPOD Sites in the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. The Gazzi-Dickinson point-counting method was used to establish compositional characteristics of sands from different tectonic settings. Continental margin forearc sands from the western North America continental margin arc system are clearly different from backarc/marginal-sea sands from the Aleutian intraoceanic arc system. The forearc sands have average QFL percentages of 29-42-29, LmLvLst percentages of 32-34-34, 3 Fmwk%M and 0.82 P/F. Aleutian backarc sands have average QFL percentages of 8-22-69. LmLvLst percentages of 9-85-6, 0.5 Fmwk%M and 0.96 P/F. A trend of increasing QFL%Q and decreasing LmLvLst%Lv westward in the backarc region of the Aleutian Ridge reflects the influence of the Asiatic continental margin. Aleutian backarc sands without continental influence have average QFL percentages of 1-20-79, LmLvLst percentages of 1-98-1, 0 Fmwk%M and 0.99 P/F. Of the continental margin forearc samples, sands on the Astoria Fan (west of the Oregon-Washington trench) contain the highest LmLvLst%Lv and lowest P/F; sands from mixed transform-fault and trench settings (Delgada Fan and Gulf of Alaska samples) have slightly higher Qp/Q (0.03); and sands from the Pacific-Juan de Fuca-North America triple junction have the highest Fmwk%M. Delgada Fan and Gulf of Alaska sands have average QFL percentages of 27-38-35, LmLvLst percentages of 37-26-37, 2 Fmwk%M and 0.86 P/F. Astoria Fan sands have average QFL percentages of 35-41-24, LmLvLst percentages of 30-47-23, 3 Fmwk%M and 0.74 P/F. The triple-junction sands have average QFL percentages of 28-59-13, LmLvLst percentages of 25-26-49, 9 Fmwk%M and 0.87 P/F. The petrologic data from the modern ocean basins examined in this study can provide useful analogs for interpretation of ancient oceanic sequences. Our data suggest some refinements of, but generally substantiate, existing petrologic models relating sandstone composition to tectonic setting.

Supplement to: Gergen, Leslie Dickson; Ingersoll, Raymond V (1986): Petrology andprovenanve of Deep Sea Drilling Project sand and sandstone from the North Pacific Ocean and the Bearing Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 51(1-2), 29-56

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Gergen, Leslie Dickson; Ingersoll, Raymond V
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1986
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 1997 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-125.452W, 37.127S, 171.640E, 57.883N); North Pacific/PLAIN; North Pacific/SLOPE; North Pacific/FAN; North Pacific/RIDGE; North Pacific/TRENCH; North Pacific/Bering Strait/PLATEAU; North Pacific/Bering Strait/SPUR; North Pacific/Bering Strait/RIDGE; North Pacific/Bering Strait/BASIN
Temporal Coverage Begin 1969-04-15T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1971-08-22T00:00:00Z