In order to understand the timescale of effects of a large storm on concentrations of in situ ¹⁰Be and meteoric ¹⁰Be in detrital sediments, we collected a time series of samples at the outlet of two nested watersheds in Luquillo, Puerto Rico. From January 2018 to May 2019, we sampled at approximately monthly intervals from 121 to 588 days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico. Sediment from the active channel was field-sieved to 250-850 micrometers and then sent to the University of Vermont. Samples were processed to extract in situ ¹⁰Be and meteoric ¹⁰Be was extracted at the University of Vermont. To understand the distribution of meteoric ¹⁰Be in soils in the watershed, two soil pits were dug and sampled in June 2011. Meteoric ¹⁰Be from the soil pit samples was extracted at the University of Pennsylvania. All ¹⁰Be samples were analyzed at Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Lab. This dataset includes sample locations and dates, data for blanks processed with ¹⁰Be samples, meteoric and in situ ¹⁰Be data for the detrital river samples, and meteoric ¹⁰Be for the soil pits.