Some characteristic pelagic copepod species are important as an indicator of certain water masses, such as Temora turbinata; which is associated with the relaxation period (no upwelling) and to the coastal areas. This sampling analyzes the abundance and age structure of the population in periods of upwelling and relaxation. Sampling was carried out bimonthly from December 2015 to October 2016. A Bongo-type net with a diameter of 30 cm and a mesh opening of 300 µm was used; The setting was made from a peñero-type boat, obliquely, at a speed of 2 knots for 15 min at 10 and 50 meters from the coast, in 6 stations, distributed in the PN. Mochima: 3 external stations (stations 1, 2 and 3) and 3 internal (stations 4, 5 and 6). At each station, temperature, salinity and surface oxygen were measured using a multiparametric probe (YSI).