Metaphor corpus KOMET 1.0


KOMET 1.0 is a hand-annotated corpus for metaphorical expressions which contains about 200,000 words from Slovene journalistic, fiction and on-line texts.

To annotate metaphors in the corpus an adapted and modified procedure of the MIPVU protocol (Steen et al., 2010: A method for linguistic metaphor identification: From MIP to MIPVU, was used. The lexical units (words) whose contextual meanings are opposed to their basic meanings are considered metaphor-related words. The basic and contextual meaning for each word in the corpus was identified using the Dictionary of the standard Slovene Language. The corpus was annotated for the metaphoric following relations: indirect metaphor, direct metaphor, borderline case and metaphor signal. In addition, the corpus introduces a new ‘frame’ tag, which gives information about the concept to which it refers.

Metadata Access
Creator Antloga, Špela
Publisher Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene
Resource Type corpus
Format application/zip; text/plain; charset=utf-8; downloadable_files_count: 1
Discipline Linguistics