Merchants from the Southern Netherlands and the rise of the Amsterdam staple market (1578-1630)


Historical sources, like the Poortersboeken Amsterdam, two tax registers, Notarieel Archief and VOC/WIC-archives have been used in order to create a dataset on 16th and 17th century Amsterdam merchants. Selection and clustering resulted in a subset of merchants originating from the Southern Low Countries. To these three more database-tables, offering information on the social-religious context of the individual merchants, have been added: files F03, F04 and F10. Synthesis of the data in the key-database Prosopography Amsterdam (F06). Data-gathering and selection procedures have been explicitated in Gelderblom's thesis (see in Relation).

The entire database "Amsterdam Merchants" can be downloaded to your own computer. The database is in MS-ACCESS format and consists of 11 separate files. There is a list of all the variables in the different tables of the database. This list can also be found in codeboek.doc (or codeboek.txt).The map “archief” contains the database tables in ASCII format. The map “codeboek” contains the codebooks of these tables in ASCII format. The map “origi” contains the database is in MS-ACCESS format.For further explanation of the database, its structure and its background see the document Introduction_Database.docx in the map “origi”.The website is not accessible, the files have been archived in EASY.

Metadata Access
Creator O.C. Gelderblom
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor o c gelderblom
Publication Year 2012
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact o c gelderblom (utrecht university)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/plain; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; application/pdf; application/zip
Size 25680; 8096; 30465; 2379; 1166; 322; 862; 256487; 2080; 9603; 21766; 12107; 24014; 215441; 20103; 124222; 11900; 665; 1826; 1021; 769; 10606; 2939; 483; 133601; 495; 15088; 374; 24254; 450; 13536; 573; 224998; 1262; 577829; 1142; 98192; 820; 103739; 386; 28178; 434; 28124; 858; 47270; 890; 103092; 285588; 566114; 33047; 151428; 152884; 16826; 25854; 10711; 45255; 12118; 5043; 6186; 4173; 46372; 7531; 22365; 151330; 25853; 12117; 13492; 190806; 156965; 1230; 1208; 39191; 7964; 8330; 85387; 8254; 74835; 39090; 170586; 34660; 4218; 46877; 329919; 32028; 2338; 142642; 11758; 10529; 113324; 30395; 343547; 11520; 119753; 7335; 20364; 84405; 4663; 3952; 1511; 2185; 678; 587; 33785; 1737; 1009; 1418; 2549; 1235; 2588; 1555; 87; 261; 1297; 3794; 98; 41962; 4767; 169; 3757; 4883; 139900; 161; 99357; 15670; 25080; 7543; 7022; 10456; 134477; 45220; 147101; 14854; 1567841; 923; 813; 16203; 62739; 57184; 364696; 307861; 15916; 64198; 15261; 13031; 208144; 753078; 9676; 28130; 12042; 217155; 205747; 16478; 44558; 299; 45854; 3458; 35850; 141145; 9456; 9824
Version 2.0
Discipline Humanities