The software is written to simulate and analyze light-sheet imaging systems while preserving polarization information for an ensemble of dipoles. To trace the emission of a dipole while preserving the polarization information, the system is modelled using vectorial raytracing with non-paraxial 3x3 Jones matrices. To find the PSF, the field is then evaluated using vectorial Debye diffraction integral, here implemented using a Fourier transform. Evaluating the field at different offsets from the focus, the 3D PSF is calculated. This can be done for an ensemble of dipoles of arbitrary size. Using the traced field, the optical power loss due to refractive index changes can also be found. The OTF is then automatically evaluated to find the x-, y-, and z-resolution of the system. This is done by finding a cutoff power in the OTF, then finding the extent of the OTF in each axis.
For each lens in the system, the user can define the: NA, immersion medium refractive index, and lens rotation around the x-axis.
The user can also define the: camera grid size, voxel size, OTF sampling, light-sheet NA, light-sheet polarization, excitation and emission wavelength, number of dipoles in the ensemble, and signal to noise ratio.
Python, 3.9.6