Precision pose detection is increasingly demanded in fields such as personal fabrication, Virtual Reality (VR), and robotics due to its critical role in ensuring accurate positioning information. However, conventional vision-based systems used in these systems often struggle with achieving high precision and accuracy, particularly when dealing with complex environments or fast-moving objects. To address these limitations, we investigate Laser Speckle Imaging (LSI), an emerging optical tracking method that offers promising potential for improving pose estimation accuracy. Specifically, our proposed LSI-Based Tracking (SpecTrack) leverages the captures from a lensless camera and a retro-reflector marker with a coded aperture to achieve multi-axis rotational pose estimation with high precision. Our extensive trials using our in-house built testbed have shown that SpecTrack achieves an accuracy of 0.31° (std=0.43°), significantly outperforming state-of-the-art approaches and improving accuracy up to 200%.