Spin echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS) beamtime is requested to study the growth of polymer nanolatices in novel microemulsion systems. The natural incompatibility of fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon moities is exploited to drive a local phase segregation inside the microemulsion droplet and hence influence the size and shape of the final polymer particle produced. These systems have been studied via conventional SANS (ILL experiment 9-10-730 and ISIS experiment 510014) but the limited Q-range available using this method did not allow for a full picture of the polymers produced to be established. A previous SESANS experiment (ISIS experiment RB910319) studying hydrocarbon surfactant stabilised systems has shown that aggregates of ~ 4000 nm are formed and the aim of this beamtime is to study the analogous fluorocarbon system and also the method of polymerization initiation.