During the RV Maria S. Merian cruise 98, which took place between 08.01.2021 to 23.01.2021 bathymetry data based on multibeam echosounder (MBES) was recorded. The main objective of the cruise was focused on the hydrocarbon fluid emissions in the German North Sea and focused on the 'Entenschnabel'- area. In total, 43 CTDs were deployed, mainly to sample the methane content in the water column and to observe the stratigraphy of the water column. Oceanographic data as well as water samples have been collected at every CTD station. At the borehole locations of B11-2 and B18-1 but also at the DOK1-X Thor-1 and D1 well 4 CTDS per site have been deployed.Detailed information about the temperature, conductivity and oxygen of the water column have been carried out with a Seabird CTD/Rosette SBE911 with SBE-32 water sampler, equipped with 24 OTE bottles (10L).