These survey represents a combination of the 9-year data combined
in a way that is intended
to minimize the contribution from the galaxy. The data measure the temperature deviation
from a uniform black body.
The original data are available at the LAMBDA archive.
The original data are stored in HEALPix pixels. SkyView treats HEALPix as a standard
projection but assumes that the HEALPix data is in a projection plane with a rotation of -45 degrees.
The rotation transforms the HEALPix pixels from diamonds to squares so that the boundaries of the
pixels are treated properly. The special HealPixImage class is used so that SkyView can use
the HEALPix FITS files directly. The HealPixImage simulates a rectangular image but
translates the pixels from that image to the nested HEALPix structure that is used
by the WMAP data.
Provenance: WMAP Mission/LAMBDA archive. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.