Yb2Pt2Pb is a first-in-class system where spin ladders are coupled to quasiparticles, made massive by strong quantum mechanical fluctuations. The classical Yb moments are Ising-like, and they form the orthogonal dimers of the Shastry-Sutherland lattice. These dimers form the rungs of two orthogonal magnetic ladders that extend along the c-axis, and the Yb moments are perpendicular to the dimer bonds. Antiferromagnetic order is found below TN=2.06 K in the absence of a magnetic field. Inelastic neutron scattering measurements find that the excitations at the lowest temperatures are spinons, with an intrachain exchange J||~0.4-0.5 meV. We seek here 6 days of time on IRIS to extend these measurements to smaller energy scales, so that we can determine how the onset of antiferromagnetic order and coupling to the conduction electrons may modify the properties of the spinons.