Version History:
15 June 2020:Initial release of the data. Note that the initial version number is 0002 in order to reflect the consistent data processing of this data set and Version 0002 of the data set Dobslaw et al. (2019,
GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-3 product based on COST-G RL01 Level-2B products (Dahle & Murböck, 2020) representing Ocean Bottom Pressure (OBP) variations provided at 1° latitude-longitude grids as defined over ocean areas. The OBP grids are provided in NetCDF format divided into yearly batches. The files each contain seven different variables:
1) 'barslv': gravity-based barystatic sea-level pressure2) 'std_barslv': gravity-based barystatic sea-level pressure uncertainties3) 'resobp': gravity-based residual ocean circulation pressure resobp4) 'std_resobp': gravity-based residual ocean circulation pressure uncertainties5) 'leakage': apparent gravity-based bottom pressure due to continental leakage6) 'model_ocean': background-model ocean circulation pressure7) 'model_atmosphere': background-model atmospheric surface pressure
These Level-3 products are visualized at GFZ's web portal GravIS ( Link to data products: