Cladoceran analysis of sediment core 17-Ya-01 from a anonymous lake in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Arctic Russia


Cladocerans are very promising for studying climate change risks owing to their inherently predictive nature. For paleoecological study, one sediment core (17-Ya-01) was sampled from lake in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Russia). Cladoceran analysis of the sediment core with a length of 51 cm collected from the studied lake is performed. A total of 30 taxa were registered in the subfossil cladoceran community of the lake. Most of the identified taxa belong to the Chydoridae family. Bosmina (Eubosmina) longispina was the dominant species. Of special interest is the finding of Ophryoxus gracilis and Rhynchotalona latens - rare species.

Metadata Access
Creator Nigmatullin, Niyaz M; Nigamatzyanova, Gulnara R ORCID logo; Frolova, Anastasia A; Frolova, Larisa A ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference Russian Science Foundation Crossref Funder ID 20-17-00135 Evolution of the natural environment and climatic changes in the Polar Urals and the north of Western Siberia in the Holocene: reconstructions based on paleolimnological studies
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 806 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (78.193 LON, 64.285 LAT); Kharampur, Russia