MeBo-Core GeoB18116-2 is a unique record, documenting the complete development of a 60 m high cold-water coral mound in the East Melilla Coral Mound Province, Alborán Sea, Western Mediterranean. Density data were obtained from dry sediment sample weight and volume measurements using a PentaPyc 5200e gas pycnometer (Quantachrome instruments) in the Geotechnical Laboratory at MARUM, University or Bremen, following OPD standards. CT (computer tomograph) mean x-ray attenuation data from the same core depth are presented as well, since they can be used as a proxy for sediment density, and show a good correlation for this core. For CT data processing methodology, please refer to Greiffenhagen et al. (submitted) and references therein. This dataset contributes to a multi-step analysis of the core with the aim to calculate the total carbon accumulation within the coral mound.