The Level Stress recordings: WestMora_90_Sollerön


Recording equipment The 1990 recordings were done by means of a cassette recorder (Sony TC-D5M) and Sony lavaliere microphones. They were digitized in the 1990s. The speakers The 2008 set consists of three speakers, two women and one man from the village of Kulåra on Sollerön, born in 1949, 1935 and 1909. They were recruited with the help of the Swedish linguist Gunnar Nyström. Due to the advanced age and rather frail physical condition of the male informant, speaker 02, I decided that he could read the target sentences together with the woman born in 1935, MA. They alternated reading each sentence, she first. This worked well and given that small differences in tonal accent realization and segment duration most likely are below the level of consciousness, the chances are very small that this had any detrimental influence on the man’s performance. Indeed, even if the two speakers’ pronunciations sound identical, there are a few differences between them, see below.

For the full background description of this item, see the file "WestMora_90_Sollerön: Background.pdf".

For the full description of the whole project, see these files: The Level Stress recordings.pdf LevelStress_Glossary.pdf Level Stress_Speaker and Sound File Codes.pdf

The data should be used only for research and development purposes.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Kristoffersen, Gjert
Publisher University of Bergen, Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
Publication Year 2019
OpenAccess true
Contact clarin(at)
Language Norwegian; Swedish
Resource Type corpus
Format audio/x-wav; application/pdf; application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet; text/plain; charset=utf-8; text/xml; downloadable_files_count: 7
Discipline Linguistics