Croatian web corpus 1.0


The Croatian web corpus 1.0 is based on the MaCoCu-hr 2.0 web corpus crawl (, which was additionally cleaned and enriched with linguistic and genre information. The corpus is a part of the South Slavic CLASSLA-web corpus collection, which is the first collection of comparable corpora that encompasses the entire South Slavic language group.

The MaCoCu-hr 2.0 crawl was built by crawling the ".hr" internet top-level domain in 2021 and 2022, as well as extending the crawl dynamically to other domains. During the development of CLASSLA-web corpora, the MaCoCu web crawls were cleaned by removing paragraphs that are not in the target language, and by removing very short texts (less than 75 words or consisting only of paragraphs shorter than 70 characters). The corpus was also linguistically annotated with the CLASSLA-Stanza pipeline ( The linguistic processing involved tokenization, morphosyntactic annotation, and lemmatization. Additionally, the corpus was automatically annotated with genres using the Transformer-based X-GENRE classifier ( The following genre categories are used: News, Information/Explanation, Promotion, Opinion/Argumentation, Instruction, Legal, Prose/Lyrical, Forum, Other and Mix.

The corpus is available in vertical format, as used by Sketch Engine and CWB concordancers. Information is provided on the text-, paragraph-, sentence- and token-level. Each text is accompanied by the following metadata: text id, title, url, domain, top-level domain (tld, e.g., "com"), and predicted genre category. Each text is divided into paragraphs that are accompanied by the following metadata: paragraph id, the automatically identified language of the text in the paragraph, and paragraph quality. For quality, labels, such as "short" or "good" are assigned based on paragraph length, URL and stopword density via the jusText tool ( Paragraphs are further divided into sentences that have as metadata their sentence id. Inside sentences, tokens are provided in tabular format with their linguistic annotation. Details about the structural and positional attributes are also given in the accompanying registry file which was used to install the corpus on the CLARIN.SI concordancers.

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A JSONL version of the corpus is available as part of the MaCoCu-Genre corpora collection at The MaCoCu-Genre version comprises texts and metadata at the text level, including genre information, and is not linguistically annotated.

Related Identifier
Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Ljubešić, Nikola; Rupnik, Peter; Kuzman, Taja
Publisher Jožef Stefan Institute
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC0-No Rights Reserved; PUB;
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Croatian
Resource Type corpus
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/gzip; application/octet-stream; downloadable_files_count: 2
Discipline Linguistics