

Long name: Pre-Industrial Control Simulation years: 1450-1699

Description: A pre-industrial control simulation with non-evolving pre-industrial conditions. Conditions chosen to be representative of the period prior to the onset of large-scale industrialization, with 1850 being the reference year. The piControl starts after an initial climate spin-up, during which the climate begins to come into balance with the forcing. The recommended minimum length for the piControl is 500 years.

Rationale: To study the unforced variability of the climate system. It is the control experiment against which perturbations are compared, it serves as a baseline for experiments that branch from it. To allow us to determine unforced model variability. The control experiment should be long enough to extend to the furthest point in time reached by the end of the perturbation experiments, thus the control should allow us to subtract any residual, unforced drift from all perturbation simulations.

Citation: Seland, Ø., Bentsen, M., Olivié, D., Toniazzo, T., Gjermundsen, A., Graff, L. S., Debernard, J. B., Gupta, A. K., He, Y.-C., Kirkevåg, A., Schwinger, J., Tjiputra, J., Aas, K. S., Bethke, I., Fan, Y., Griesfeller, J., Grini, A., Guo, C., Ilicak, M., Karset, I. H. H., Landgren, O., Liakka, J., Moseid, K. O., Nummelin, A., Spensberger, C., Tang, H., Zhang, Z., Heinze, C., Iversen, T., and Schulz, M.: Overview of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM2) and key climate response of CMIP6 DECK, historical, and scenario simulations, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 6165–6200, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-6165-2020, 2020.

Experiment link: https://noresmhub.github.io/noresm-exp/content/noresm2_deck/noresm2_mm_deck.html#picontrol

Experiment ES-DOC: https://view.es-doc.org/?renderMethod=id&project=cmip6&id=7dd72de5-c5b6-412c-9b4c-540f09538d9a&version=1&client=esdoc-search

Publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-6165-2020

DOI https://doi.org/10.11582/2024.00031
Metadata Access https://search-api.web.sigma2.no/norstore-archive/oai/v1.0?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=doi:10.11582/2024.00031
Creator Norwegian Climate Center, NCC
Publisher Norstore Archive
Contributor Kögel, Tanja
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences