This dataset includes organic carbon measurements on sediment samples collected in Bute Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) in October 2016 (cruise number PGC2016007) and October 2017 (cruise number PGC2017005) aboard the research vessel CCGS Vector. The cruise PGC2016007 took place between 7 October and 17 October 2016 and was led by Gwyn Lintern. The cruise PGC2017005 took place between 19 and 29 October and was led by Cooper Stacey. River samples were taken in the Homathko and Southgate rivers using Niskin bottles in the water column and a grab sampler in the river beds and the river deltas
River-data includes organic carbon (total organic carbon TOC, carbon stable isotopes d13C and radiocarbon isotopes R) and grain size measurements made on samples collected in the Homathko and Southgate rivers connected to Bute Inlet.