NorESM1-M CMIP5 historicalExt (3.2) r3 raw output


Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 historical extension experiment.

Technical details: Production machine: Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon) Model source: Model revision number: 112 Model components: atmosphere=CAM4; ocean=MICOM; land=CLM; sea ice=CICE Horizontal resolution: atmosphere/land=1.9x2.5 degree; ocean/sea ice=~1 degree
Output frequency: monthly + daily + 6-hourly + 3-hourly as requested by CMIP5 Experiment type: fully coupled Initialisation: branched from CMIP5 piControl simulation r1 (NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06) at 730-01-01 Changing forcing agents: prescribed GHG concentration changes; aerosol emissions for SO4, POM and BC (see Kirkevåg et al. 2013) Tuning parameters changed relative to the host model CAM4: rhminl=0.90 (0.91 in CAM4) reduced RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds; critrp=5.0 mm/day (0.5 mm/day in CAM4) maximum precipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water; r3lc=14 um (10 um in CAM4) critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion Other comments: -

External references: (experimental design) (model system, boundary conditions, experiments, etc) (Norwegian ESGF portal with post-processed CMIP5 data) (NorESM special issue)

Data description: case = NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_03; Source = CAM ; Variables = P0:reference pressure ; lat:latitude ; lon:longitude ; slat:staggered latitude ; slon:staggered longitude ; w_stag:staggered latitude weights ; lev:hybrid level at midpoints (1000(A+B)) ; ilev:hybrid level at interfaces (1000(A+B)) ; isccp_prs:Mean ISCCP pressure ; isccp_tau:Mean ISCCP optical depth ; isccp_prstau:Mean pressure (mb).mean optical depth (unitless)/1000 ; time:time ; time_bnds:time interval endpoints ; ntrm:spectral truncation parameter M ; ntrn:spectral truncation parameter N ; ntrk:spectral truncation parameter K ; ndbase:base day ; nsbase:seconds of base day ; nbdate:base date (YYYYMMDD) ; nbsec:seconds of base date ; mdt:timestep ; nlon:number of longitudes ; wnummax:cutoff Fourier wavenumber ; hyai:hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces ; hybi:hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces ; hyam:hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints ; hybm:hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints ; gw:gauss weights ; ndcur:current day (from base day) ; nscur:current seconds of current day ; date:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; co2vmr:co2 volume mixing ratio ; ch4vmr:ch4 volume mixing ratio ; n2ovmr:n2o volume mixing ratio ; f11vmr:f11 volume mixing ratio ; f12vmr:f12 volume mixing ratio ; sol_tsi:total solar irradiance ; datesec:current seconds of current date ; nsteph:current timestep ; AEROD_v:Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band ; AKCXS:Scheme excess aerosol mass burden ; BAK:Aerosol extinction ; BC:Concentration ; BC_A:BC_A ; BC_AC:BC_AC ; BC_AI:BC_AI ; BC_AX:BC_AX ; BC_N:BC_N ; BC_NI:BC_NI ; CABSVIS:Clear air aerosol absorptive optical depth ; CDNC:Cloud Droplet Number Concentration ; CDNCINT:Cloud Droplet Number Column ; CDNCIX:Aerosol calc cloud droplet number concentration ; CDODVIS:Clear air aerosol optical depth ; CH2O2:H2O2 MMR from file ; CLDFOC:Frequency of Warm Cloud Occurence ; CLDFREE:Cloud free fraction wrt CDODVIS and CABSVIS ; CLDHGH:Vertically-integrated high cloud ; CLDICE:Grid box averaged cloud ice amount ; CLDLIQ:Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount ; CLDLIX:Aerosol calc averaged liquid condensate amount ; CLDLOW:Vertically-integrated low cloud ; CLDMED:Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud ; CLDTOT:Vertically-integrated total cloud ; CLOUD:Cloud fraction ; CMFDQ:QV tendency - shallow convection ; CMFDQR:Q tendency - shallow convection rainout ; CMFDT:T tendency - shallow convection ; CMFMC:Moist shallow convection mass flux ; CMFMCDZM:Convection mass flux from ZM deep ; CONCLD:Convective cloud cover ; C_BC:Column burden ; C_DMS:Column burden ; C_DUST:Column burden ; C_POM:Column burden ; C_SO2:Column burden ; C_SO4:Column burden ; C_SS:Column burden ; DAYFOC:Daylight fraction ; DCQ:Q tendency due to moist processes ; DMS:DMS ; DMSCO:Concentration ; DRY_BC:Dry deposition ; DRY_DUST:Dry deposition ; DRY_POM:Dry deposition ; DRY_SO2:Dry deposition ; DRY_SO4:Dry deposition ; DRY_SS:Dry deposition ; DST_A2:DST_A2 ; DST_A3:DST_A3 ; DTCOND:T tendency - moist processes ; DTV:T vertical diffusion ; DUST:Concentration ; EMI_BC:Emissions ; EMI_DMS:Emissions ; EMI_DUST:Emissions ; EMI_POM:Emissions ; EMI_SO2:Emissions ; EMI_SO4:Emissions ; EMI_SS:Emissions ; EVAPX:Evaporation of cloud droplets ; FICE:Fractional ice content within cloud ; FLDS:Downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLDSC:Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLNS:Net longwave flux at surface ; FLNSC:Clearsky net longwave flux at surface ; FLNT:Net longwave flux at top of model ; FLNTC:Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model ; FLUT:Upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FLUTC:Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FOCHANA:Frequency of Occurrence of Clouds with REHANA /= 0 ; FREEZ: rate of freezing of cloud droplets ; FREQSH:Fractional occurance of shallow convection ; FREQZM:Fractional occurance of ZM convection ; FSDS:Downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDSC:Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSNS:Net solar flux at surface ; FSNSC:Clearsky net solar flux at surface ; FSNT:Net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTOA:Net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNTOAC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSUTOA:Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; GAK:Aerosol assymetry factor ; GCLDLWP:Grid-box cloud water path ; H2O2:H2O2 ; ICEFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice ; ICLDIWP:In-cloud ice water path ; ICLDTWP:In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) ; ICLDTWX:In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) ; ICWMRX:Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio ; KHET:Aqueous-phase reaction rate ; LANDFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by land ; LCLOUD:Liquid cloud fraction ; LHFLX:Surface latent heat flux ; LWCF:Longwave cloud forcing ; MSAGA:MSA gas-phase prod ; MSKtem:TEM mask ; NDROPCOL:Column droplet number ; NDROPMIX:Droplet number mixing ; NDROPSNK:Droplet number loss by microphysics ; NDROPSRC:Droplet number source ; NRAINX:Loss of cloud droplets due to precip ; NUCRAT:Nucleation of cloud droplets ; NUSO4N:SO4 nucleation rate ; N_AER:Aerosol number concentration ; N_AERORG:Aerosol number concentration ; OCNFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean ; ODV_SSLTA:SSLTA optical depth in visible band ; ODV_SSLTC:SSLTC optical depth in visible band ; ODV_bcar1:bcar1 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_bcar2:bcar2 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_dust1:dust1 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_dust2:dust2 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_dust3:dust3 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_dust4:dust4 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_ocar1:ocar1 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_ocar2:ocar2 optical depth in visible band ; ODV_sulf:sulf optical depth in visible band ; OMEGA:Vertical velocity (pressure) ; OMEGAT:Vertical heat flux ; OM_AC:OM_AC ; OM_AI:OM_AI ; OM_NI:OM_NI ; PBLH:PBL height ; PCONVB:convection base pressure ; PCONVT:convection top pressure ; PHIS:Surface geopotential ; POM:Concentration ; PRECC:Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PRECCDZM:Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep ; PRECL:Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PRECSC:Convective snow rate (water equivalent) ; PRECSH:Shallow Convection precipitation rate ; PRECSL:Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) ; PRECT:Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PS:Surface pressure ; PSL:Sea level pressure ; Q:Specific humidity ; QC:Q tendency - shallow convection LW export ; QFLX:Surface water flux ; QREFHT:Reference height humidity ; QRL:Longwave heating rate ; QRS:Solar heating rate ; REFFL:Effective Radius of Cloud Droplets ; REHANA:Effective radius as seen from satellite ; RELH:Fictive relative humidity ; RELHUM:Relative humidity ; RHREFHT:Reference height relative humidity ; S2GA:SO2 gas-phase prod ; S4AQ:Sulphate aq.phase prod ; S4GA:Sulphate gas-phase prod ; SELFX:Selfcollection of cloud droplets ; SFCDNCIX:CDNCIX surface flux ; SFCLDICE:CLDICE surface flux ; SFCLDLIQ:CLDLIQ surface flux ; SFCLDLIX:CLDLIX surface flux ; SHFLX:Surface sensible heat flux ; SNOWHICE:Water equivalent snow depth ; SNOWHLND:Water equivalent snow depth ; SO2:SO2 ; SO2CO:Concentration ; SO4:Concentration ; SO4_A1:SO4_A1 ; SO4_A2:SO4_A2 ; SO4_AC:SO4_AC ; SO4_N:SO4_N ; SO4_NA:SO4_NA ; SO4_PR:SO4_PR ; SOLIN:Solar insolation ; SOLLD:Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface ; SOLSD:Solar downward visible diffuse to surface ; SRFRAD:Net radiative flux at surface ; SS:Concentration ; SST:sea surface temperature ; SS_A1:SS_A1 ; SS_A2:SS_A2 ; SS_A3:SS_A3 ; SUPERSAT:Supersaturation from AGR schem ; SWCF:Shortwave cloud forcing ; T:Temperature ; TAUA550:Aerosol absorptive optical depth at 550nm ; TAUE550:Aerosol optical depth at 550nm ; TAUX:Zonal surface stress ; TAUY:Meridional surface stress ; TGCLDIWP:Total grid-box cloud ice water path ; TGCLDLWP:Total grid-box cloud liquid water path ; TGCLDLWX:Offline grid-box cloud liquid water path ; TH:Potential Temperature ; TH2d:Zonal-Mean potential temp ; TMQ:Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water ; TREFHT:Reference height temperature ; TREFMNAV:Average of TREFHT daily minimum ; TREFMXAV:Average of TREFHT daily maximum ; TROP_P:Tropopause Pressure ; TROP_T:Tropopause Temperature ; TROP_Z:Tropopause Height ; TS:Surface temperature (radiative) ; TSMN:Minimum surface temperature over output period ; TSMX:Maximum surface temperature over output period ; U:Zonal wind ; U2d:Zonal-Mean zonal wind ; US:Zonal wind, staggered ; UTGWORO:U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag ; UU:Zonal velocity squared ; UV2d:Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 2D prj of zon. mean ; UV3d:Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean ; UW2d:Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum; 2D prj of zon. mean ; UW3d:Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean ; V:Meridional wind ; V2d:Zonal-Mean meridional wind ; VD01:Vertical diffusion of Q ; VQ:Meridional water transport ; VS:Meridional wind, staggered ; VT:Meridional heat transport ; VTH2d:Meridional Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon. mean ; VTH3d:Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean ; VU:Meridional flux of zonal momentum ; VV:Meridional velocity squared ; W2d:Zonal-Mean vertical wind ; WAK:Aerosol single scattering albedo ; WET_BC:Wet deposition ; WET_DUST:Wet deposition ; WET_POM:Wet deposition ; WET_SO2:Wet deposition ; WET_SO4:Wet deposition ; WET_SS:Wet deposition ; WTH3d:Vertical Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean ; WTKE:Standard deviation of updraft velocity ; Z3:Geopotential Height (above sea level) ; cb_ozone_c:ozone column burden used in climate calculation ; cb_sulf_c:sulf column burden used in climate calculation ; Source = MICOM ; Variables = time:time ; sealv:Sea level ; maxmld:Maximum mixed layer depth ; sst:Ocean surface temperature ; Source = CLM ; Variables = levgrnd:coordinate soil levels ; levlak:coordinate lake levels ; edgen:northern edge of surface grid ; edgee:eastern edge of surface grid ; edges:southern edge of surface grid ; edgew:western edge of surface grid ; time:time ; mcdate:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; mcsec:current seconds of current date ; mdcur:current day (from base day) ; mscur:current seconds of current day ; nstep:time step ; time_bounds:history time interval endpoints ; lon:coordinate longitude ; lat:coordinate latitude ; lonatm:atm coordinate longitude ; latatm:atm coordinate latitude ; lonrof:runoff coordinate longitude ; latrof:runoff coordinate latitude ; longxy:longitude ; latixy:latitude ; area:grid cell areas ; areaupsc:normalized grid cell areas related to upscaling ; topo:grid cell topography ; topodnsc:normalized grid cell topography related to downscaling ; landfrac:land fraction ; landmask:land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) ; pftmask:pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) ; indxupsc:upscaling atm global grid index ; longxyatm:atm longitude ; latixyatm:atm latitude ; areaatm:atm grid cell areas ; ZSOI:soil depth ; DZSOI:soil thickness ; WATSAT:saturated soil water content (porosity) ; SUCSAT:saturated soil matric potential ; BSW:slope of soil water retention curve ; HKSAT:saturated hydraulic conductivity ; ACTUAL_IMMOB:actual N immobilization ; AGNPP:aboveground NPP ; ANN_FAREA_BURNED:annual total fractional area burned ; AR:autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) ; BCDEP:total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere ; BGNPP:belowground NPP ; BIOGENCO:biogenic CO flux ; BTRAN:transpiration beta factor ; BUILDHEAT:heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof ; COL_CTRUNC:column-level sink for C truncation ; COL_FIRE_CLOSS:total column-level fire C loss ; COL_FIRE_NLOSS:total column-level fire N loss ; COL_NTRUNC:column-level sink for N truncation ; CPOOL:temporary photosynthate C pool ; CWDC:coarse woody debris C ; CWDC_HR:coarse woody debris C heterotrophic respiration ; CWDC_LOSS:coarse woody debris C loss ; CWDN:coarse woody debris N ; DEADCROOTC:dead coarse root C ; DEADCROOTN:dead coarse root N ; DEADSTEMC:dead stem C ; DEADSTEMN:dead stem N ; DENIT:total rate of denitrification ; DISPVEGC:displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool ; DISPVEGN:displayed vegetation nitrogen ; DSTDEP:total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere ; DSTFLXT:total surface dust emission ; DWT_CLOSS:total carbon loss from land cover conversion ; DWT_CONV_CFLUX:conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) ; DWT_CONV_NFLUX:conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) ; DWT_NLOSS:total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion ; DWT_PROD100C_GAIN:landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool ; DWT_PROD100N_GAIN:addition to 100-yr wood product pool ; DWT_PROD10C_GAIN:landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool ; DWT_PROD10N_GAIN:addition to 10-yr wood product pool ; DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM:seed source to PFT-level deadstem ; DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF:seed source to PFT-level leaf ; DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM:seed source to PFT-level deadstem ; DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF:seed source to PFT-level leaf ; EFLX_DYNBAL:dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux ; EFLX_LH_TOT_R:Rural total evaporation ; EFLX_LH_TOT_U:Urban total evaporation ; ELAI:exposed one-sided leaf area index ; ER:total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic ; ERRH2O:total water conservation error ; ERRSEB:surface energy conservation error ; ERRSOI:soil/lake energy conservation error ; ERRSOL:solar radiation conservation error ; ESAI:exposed one-sided stem area index ; FCEV:canopy evaporation ; FCOV:fractional impermeable area ; FCTR:canopy transpiration ; FGEV:ground evaporation ; FGR:heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt ; FGR12:heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 ; FGR_R:Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt ; FGR_U:Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt ; FIRA:net infrared (longwave) radiation ; FIRA_R:Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation ; FIRA_U:Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation ; FIRE:emitted infrared (longwave) radiation ; FIRESEASONL:annual fire season length ; FLDS:atmospheric longwave radiation ; FLUXFM2A:heat flux for rain to snow conversion ; FLUXFMLND:heat flux from rain to snow conversion ; FPG:fraction of potential gpp ; FPI:fraction of potential immobilization ; FPSN:photosynthesis ; FROOTC:fine root C ; FROOTC_ALLOC:fine root C allocation ; FROOTC_LOSS:fine root C loss ; FROOTN:fine root N ; FSA:absorbed solar radiation ; FSAT:fractional area with water table at surface ; FSA_R:Rural absorbed solar radiation ; FSA_U:Urban absorbed solar radiation ; FSDS:atmospheric incident solar radiation ; FSDSND:direct nir incident solar radiation ; FSDSNDLN:direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon ; FSDSNI:diffuse nir incident solar radiation ; FSDSVD:direct vis incident solar radiation ; FSDSVDLN:direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon ; FSDSVI:diffuse vis incident solar radiation ; FSH:sensible heat ; FSH_G:sensible heat from ground ; FSH_NODYNLNDUSE:sensible heat ; FSH_R:Rural sensible heat ; FSH_U:Urban sensible heat ; FSH_V:sensible heat from veg ; FSM:snow melt heat flux ; FSM_R:Rural snow melt heat flux ; FSM_U:Urban snow melt heat flux ; FSNO:fraction of ground covered by snow ; FSR:reflected solar radiation ; FSRND:direct nir reflected solar radiation ; FSRNDLN:direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon ; FSRNI:diffuse nir reflected solar radiation ; FSRVD:direct vis reflected solar radiation ; FSRVDLN:direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon ; FSRVI:diffuse vis reflected solar radiation ; GC_HEAT1:initial gridcell total heat content ; GC_ICE1:initial gridcell total ice content ; GC_LIQ1:initial gridcell total liq content ; GPP:gross primary production ; GR:total growth respiration ; GROSS_NMIN:gross rate of N mineralization ; H2OCAN:intercepted water ; H2OSNO:snow depth (liquid water) ; H2OSNO_TOP:mass of snow in top snow layer ; H2OSOI:volumetric soil water ; HC:heat content of soil/snow/lake ; HCSOI:soil heat content ; HEAT_FROM_AC:sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning ; HR:total heterotrophic respiration ; HTOP:canopy top ; ISOPRENE:isoprene flux ; LAISHA:shaded projected leaf area index ; LAISUN:sunlit projected leaf area index ; LAND_UPTAKE:NEE minus LAND_USE_FLUX, negative for update ; LAND_USE_FLUX:total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools ; LEAFC:leaf C ; LEAFC_ALLOC:leaf C allocation ; LEAFC_LOSS:leaf C loss ; LEAFN:leaf N ; LITFALL:litterfall (leaves and fine roots) ; LITHR:litter heterotrophic respiration ; LITR1C:litter labile C ; LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C:decomp. of litter 1 C to SOM 1 C ; LITR1N:litter labile N ; LITR2C:litter cellulose C ; LITR2C_TO_SOIL2C:decomp. of litter 2 C to SOM 2 C ; LITR2N:litter cellulose N ; LITR3C:litter lignin C ; LITR3C_TO_SOIL3C:decomp. of litter 3 C to SOM 3 C ; LITR3N:litter lignin N ; LITTERC:litter C ; LITTERC_HR:litter C heterotrophic respiration ; LITTERC_LOSS:litter C loss ; LIVECROOTC:live coarse root C ; LIVECROOTN:live coarse root N ; LIVESTEMC:live stem C ; LIVESTEMN:live stem N ; MEAN_FIRE_PROB:e-folding mean of daily fire probability ; MONOTERP:monoterpene flux ; MR:maintenance respiration ; NBP:net biome production, includes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink ; NDEPLOY:total N deployed in new growth ; NDEP_TO_SMINN:atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N ; NEE:net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire, landuse, harvest, and hrv_xsmrpool flux, positive for source ; NEP:net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink ; NET_NMIN:net rate of N mineralization ; NFIX_TO_SMINN:symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N ; NPP:net primary production ; OCDEP:total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere ; ORVOC:other reactive VOC flux ; OVOC:other VOC flux ; PBOT:atmospheric pressure ; PCO2:atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 ; PFT_CTRUNC:pft-level sink for C truncation ; PFT_FIRE_CLOSS:total pft-level fire C loss ; PFT_FIRE_NLOSS:total pft-level fire N loss ; PFT_NTRUNC:pft-level sink for N truncation ; PLANT_NDEMAND:N flux required to support initial GPP ; POTENTIAL_IMMOB:potential N immobilization ; PROD100C:100-yr wood product C ; PROD100C_LOSS:loss from 100-yr wood product pool ; PROD100N:100-yr wood product N ; PROD100N_LOSS:loss from 100-yr wood product pool ; PROD10C:10-yr wood product C ; PROD10C_LOSS:loss from 10-yr wood product pool ; PROD10N:10-yr wood product N ; PROD10N_LOSS:loss from 10-yr wood product pool ; PRODUCT_CLOSS:total carbon loss from wood product pools ; PRODUCT_NLOSS:total N loss from wood product pools ; PSNSHA:shaded leaf photosynthesis ; PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL:C fixation from shaded canopy ; PSNSUN:sunlit leaf photosynthesis ; PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL:C fixation from sunlit canopy ; Q2M:2m specific humidity ; QBOT:atmospheric specific humidity ; QCHANR:RTM river flow: LIQ ; QCHANR_ICE:RTM river flow: ICE ; QCHARGE:aquifer recharge rate ; QCHOCNR:RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ ; QCHOCNR_ICE:RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE ; QDRAI:sub-surface drainage ; QDRIP:throughfall ; QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL:ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux ; QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL:liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux ; QINFL:infiltration ; QINTR:interception ; QMELT:snow melt ; QOVER:surface runoff ; QRGWL:surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes ; QRUNOFF:total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) ; QRUNOFF_NODYNLNDUSE:total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) ; QRUNOFF_R:Rural total runoff ; QRUNOFF_U:Urban total runoff ; QSNWCPICE:excess snowfall due to snow capping ; QSNWCPICE_NODYNLNDUSE:excess snowfall due to snow capping ; QSOIL:ground evaporation ; QVEGE:canopy evaporation ; QVEGT:canopy transpiration ; RAIN:atmospheric rain ; RAINATM:atmospheric rain forcing ; RAINFM2A:land rain on atm grid ; RETRANSN:plant pool of retranslocated N ; RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL:deployment of retranslocated N ; RH2M:2m relative humidity ; RH2M_R:Rural 2m specific humidity ; RH2M_U:Urban 2m relative humidity ; RR:root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) ; SABG:solar rad absorbed by ground ; SABV:solar rad absorbed by veg ; SEEDC:pool for seeding new PFTs ; SEEDN:pool for seeding new PFTs ; SMINN:soil mineral N ; SMINN_LEACHED:soil mineral N pool loss to leaching ; SMINN_TO_NPOOL:deployment of soil mineral N uptake ; SMINN_TO_PLANT:plant uptake of soil mineral N ; SNOAERFRC2L:surface forcing of all aerosols in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) ; SNOAERFRCL:surface forcing of all aerosols in snow (land) ; SNOBCFRC2L:surface forcing of BC in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) ; SNOBCFRCL:surface forcing of BC in snow (land) ; SNOBCMCL:mass of BC in snow column ; SNOBCMSL:mass of BC in top snow layer ; SNODSTFRC2L:surface forcing of dust in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) ; SNODSTFRCL:surface forcing of dust in snow (land) ; SNODSTMCL:mass of dust in snow column ; SNODSTMSL:mass of dust in top snow layer ; SNOOCFRC2L:surface forcing of OC in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) ; SNOOCFRCL:surface forcing of OC in snow (land) ; SNOOCMCL:mass of OC in snow column ; SNOOCMSL:mass of OC in top snow layer ; SNOW:atmospheric snow ; SNOWATM:atmospheric snow forcing ; SNOWDP:snow height ; SNOWFM2A:land snow on atm grid ; SNOWICE:snow ice ; SNOWLIQ:snow liquid water ; SOIL1C:soil organic matter C (fast pool) ; SOIL1N:soil organic matter N (fast pool) ; SOIL2C:soil organic matter C (medium pool) ; SOIL2N:soil organic matter N (medium pool) ; SOIL3C:soil organic matter C (slow pool) ; SOIL3N:soil orgainc matter N (slow pool) ; SOIL4C:soil organic matter C (slowest pool) ; SOIL4N:soil orgainc matter N (slowest pool) ; SOILC:soil C ; SOILC_HR:soil C heterotrophic respiration ; SOILC_LOSS:soil C loss ; SOILICE:soil ice ; SOILLIQ:soil liquid water ; SOILPSI:soil water potential in each soil layer ; SOILWATER_10CM:soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil ; SOMHR:soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration ; SR:total soil respiration (HR + root resp) ; STORVEGC:stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool ; STORVEGN:stored vegetation nitrogen ; SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN:supplemental N supply ; SoilAlpha:factor limiting ground evap ; SoilAlpha_U:urban factor limiting ground evap ; TAUX:zonal surface stress ; TAUY:meridional surface stress ; TBOT:atmospheric air temperature ; TBUILD:internal urban building temperature ; TG:ground temperature ; TG_R:Rural ground temperature ; TG_U:Urban ground temperature ; THBOT:atmospheric air potential temperature ; TLAI:total projected leaf area index ; TLAKE:lake temperature ; TOTCOLC:total column carbon, incl veg and cpool ; TOTCOLN:total column-level N ; TOTECOSYSC:total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool ; TOTECOSYSN:total ecosystem N ; TOTLITC:total litter carbon ; TOTLITN:total litter N ; TOTPFTC:total pft-level carbon, including cpool ; TOTPFTN:total PFT-level nitrogen ; TOTPRODC:total wood product C ; TOTPRODN:total wood product N ; TOTSOMC:total soil organic matter carbon ; TOTSOMN:total soil organic matter N ; TOTVEGC:total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool ; TOTVEGN:total vegetation nitrogen ; TREFMNAV:daily minimum of average 2-m temperature ; TREFMNAV_R:Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature ; TREFMNAV_U:Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature ; TREFMXAV:daily maximum of average 2-m temperature ; TREFMXAV_R:Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature ; TREFMXAV_U:Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature ; TSA:2m air temperature ; TSAI:total projected stem area index ; TSA_R:Rural 2m air temperature ; TSA_U:Urban 2m air temperature ; TSOI:soil temperature ; TSOI_10CM:soil temperature in top 10cm of soil ; TV:vegetation temperature ; URBAN_AC:urban air conditioning flux ; URBAN_HEAT:urban heating flux ; VOCFLXT:total VOC flux into atmosphere ; WA:water in the unconfined aquifer ; WASTEHEAT:sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat ; WIND:atmospheric wind velocity magnitude ; WOODC:wood C ; WOODC_ALLOC:wood C allocation ; WOODC_LOSS:wood C loss ; WOOD_HARVESTC:wood harvest (to product pools) ; WOOD_HARVESTN:wood harvest (to product pools) ; WT:total water storage (unsaturated soil water + groundwater) ; XSMRPOOL:temporary photosynthate C pool ; XSMRPOOL_RECOVER:C flux assigned to recovery of negative xsmrpool ; ZBOT:atmospheric reference height ; ZWT:water table depth ; Source = CICE ; Variables = time:model time ; time_bounds:boundaries for time-averaging interval ; TLON:T grid center longitude ; TLAT:T grid center latitude ; ULON:U grid center longitude ; ULAT:U grid center latitude ; tmask:ocean grid mask ; tarea:area of T grid cells ; uarea:area of U grid cells ; dxt:T cell width through middle ; dyt:T cell height through middle ; dxu:U cell width through middle ; dyu:U cell height through middle ; HTN:T cell width on North side ; HTE:T cell width on East side ; ANGLE:angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid ; ANGLET:angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid ; lont_bounds:longitude boundaries of T cells ; latt_bounds:latitude boundaries of T cells ; lonu_bounds:longitude boundaries of U cells ; latu_bounds:latitude boundaries of U cells ; hi:grid cell mean ice thickness ; hs:grid cell mean snow thickness ; fs:grid cell mean snow fraction ; Tsfc:snow/ice surface temperature ; aice:ice area (aggregate) ; qi:internal ice heat content ; qs:internal snow heat content ; uvel:ice velocity (x) ; vvel:ice velocity (y) ; transix:ice mass transport (x) on East side ; transiy:ice mass transport (y) on North side ; fswdn:down solar flux ; fswdn_ai:down solar flux weighted with respect to ice area ; fswup:upward solar flux ; fswup_ai:upward solar flux weighted with sea ice area ; flwdn:down longwave flux ; flwdn_ai:down longwave flux weighted with respect to ice area ; snow:snowfall rate (cpl) ; snow_ai:snowfall rate ; rain:rainfall rate (cpl) ; rain_ai:rainfall rate ; fswfac:shortwave scaling factor ; fswabs:snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) ; fswabs_ai:snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux ; alvdr:visible direct albedo ; alidr:near IR direct albedo ; albice:bare ice albedo ; albsno:snow albedo ; albpnd:melt pond albedo ; coszen:cosine of the zenith angle ; flat:latent heat flux (cpl) ; flat_ai:latent heat flux ; fsens:sensible heat flux (cpl) ; fsens_ai:sensible heat flux ; flwup:upward longwave flux (cpl) ; flwup_ai:upward longwave flux ; evap:evaporative water flux (cpl) ; evap_ai:evaporative water flux ; Tair:air temperature ; Tref:2m reference temperature ; Qref:2m reference specific humidity ; congel:congelation ice growth ; frazil:frazil ice growth ; snoice:snow-ice formation ; meltt:top ice melt ; meltb:basal ice melt ; meltl:lateral ice melt ; melts:snow melt ; fresh:freshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl) ; fresh_ai:freshwtr flx ice to ocn ; fsalt:salt flux ice to ocn (cpl) ; fsalt_ai:salt flux ice to ocean ; fhocn:heat flux ice to ocn (cpl) ; fhocn_ai:heat flux ice to ocean ; fswthru:SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) ; fswthru_ai:SW flux thru ice to ocean ; strairx:atm/ice stress (x) ; strairy:atm/ice stress (y) ; strcorx:coriolis stress (x) ; strcory:coriolis stress (y) ; strocnx:ocean/ice stress (x) ; strocny:ocean/ice stress (y) ; strintx:internal ice stress (x) ; strinty:internal ice stress (y) ; strength:compressive ice strength ; opening:lead area opening rate ; divu:strain rate (divergence) ; shear:strain rate (shear) ; sig1:norm. principal stress 1 ; sig2:norm. principal stress 2 ; dvidtt:volume tendency thermo ; dvidtd:volume tendency dynamics ; daidtt:area tendency thermo ; daidtd:area tendency dynamics ; dardg1dt:ice area ridging rate ; dardg2dt:ridge area formation rate ; dvirdgdt:ice volume ridging rate ; hisnap:ice volume snapshot ; aisnap:ice area snapshot ; trsig:internal stress tensor trace ; ice_present:fraction of time-avg interval that any ice is present ; fsurf_ai:net surface heat flux ; fcondtop_ai:top surface conductive heat flux ; aicen001:ice area, category 001 ; aicen002:ice area, category 002 ; aicen003:ice area, category 003 ; aicen004:ice area, category 004 ; aicen005:ice area, category 005 ; vicen001:ice volume, category 001 ; vicen002:ice volume, category 002 ; vicen003:ice volume, category 003 ; vicen004:ice volume, category 004 ; vicen005:ice volume, category 005 ; iage:sea ice age ; FYarea:first-year ice area ; aerosnossl001:snow ssl aerosol mass ; aerosnoint001:snow int aerosol mass ; aeroicessl001:ice ssl aerosol mass ; aeroiceint001:ice int aerosol mass ; aerosnossl002:snow ssl aerosol mass ; aerosnoint002:snow int aerosol mass ; aeroicessl002:ice ssl aerosol mass ; aeroiceint002:ice int aerosol mass ; aerosnossl003:snow ssl aerosol mass ; aerosnoint003:snow int aerosol mass ; aeroicessl003:ice ssl aerosol mass ; aeroiceint003:ice int aerosol mass ; faero_atm001:aerosol deposition rate ; faero_atm002:aerosol deposition rate ; faero_atm003:aerosol deposition rate ; faero_ocn001:aerosol flux to ocean ; faero_ocn002:aerosol flux to ocean ; faero_ocn003:aerosol flux to ocean ; alvl:level ice area fraction ; vlvl:level ice mean thickness ; ardg:ridged ice area fraction ; vrdg:ridged ice mean thickness ; apond001:melt pond concentration, category 001 ; apond002:melt pond concentration, category 002 ; apond003:melt pond concentration, category 003 ; apond004:melt pond concentration, category 004 ; apond005:melt pond concentration, category 005 ;

Metadata Access
Creator Norwegian Climate Center, NCC
Publisher Norstore Archive
Publication Year 2014
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences