Sea Ice high-resolution and low-resolution (satellite like)


The dataset contains fields for the Arctic sea ice both at high resolution and low resolution in the freezing season (20 November to 12 April). The dataset can be used to calibrate and/or validate a downscaling algorithm. The high-resolution fields are simulations of the model neXtSIM at a 3km resolution from 2013 to 2023. The low-resolution fields are obtained by smoothing the high-resolution fields in order to mimic satellite observations of the sea ice. Other post-processing were also used to account for the range of variability and typical satellite observation noise. The fields in the dataset are: the sea ice concentration (sic), sea ice thickness (sit), the divergence, and the shear of the sea ice. The fields are present at a high resolution and a low resolution with the suffix _reprocessed.

Metadata Access
Creator Mangini, Fabio; Korosov, Anton; Brajard, Julien
Publisher Norstore Archive
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences